My college experince thus far has been nothing short of amazing. College is something my family and I have always dreamed about. I always knew I would attend college and run for that school as well. Both have made me a diffrent person in alot of ways. I grew up at college, because as everyone tells you, there are no parents, no rules, no one telling you what you have to do. You mostly just have deadlines and rubrics. College is filled with project after project and you have to get them done. Its not like highschool where you go for free, no someone is paying for you to do this work. So you cant just flunk out so easy. I have made a variety of friends here at FSC, friends I wouldt have made if I hadn't tryed to get into college. Mostly though running has just transformed me into a hard core, dedicated athlete who just wants to succeed. The team here is a close team, we share the same likes and dislikes and we get along very well. I have built lasting friendships that I will charish forever. College has been very valuable to attened!
I would tell myself to take more college level courses my senior year of high school, to get them out of the way and have a head start when I begin school. I would also tell myself to join more clubs and make stronger attempts at meeting new people. People come and go. The more friends you make, the higher likely hood you have at keeping them. This is my one downfall in school, I don't know enough students on campus that value true friendships over party friendships. Through my experiences, I would want to high school version of me to go into college understanding the value of 'one class is 3 credit hours and I need 120 to finish my degree.' This would help me value any class I could take prior to my high school graduation and get a jump start. I would warn the young me to take losses of friends much more lightly. Also, I would tell myself to research careers then figure out what degrees matched them. Lastly, I would warn myself to find more questions for advisors regarding the possibilities of my future. They have mislead me and I'd warn myself.
Going back in time and knowing what I know now about this college experience. I feel like I should have applied for more scholarships so it would have eased the process of paying for college out of your own pocket and also applied myself better in my studies so I would have scored higher on my ACT and SAT. Many teenagers think that high school is the best thing that ever happened but truly they have not been to college and experienced the world in a whole different view. I would also tell myself that at first the transition from living with your parent?s everyday to finally living on your own will be tough at first but in the end it will get easier. I will remind myself to always follow my heart and keep my head held high.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would give myself one piece of advice, and that is experience everything with an open mind. Making the transistion from high school to college was a big deal for me, because I came from out of state, and I didn't know what to expect, but I kept an open mind about everything and wanted to experience everything I could. I knew it was important to meet new people, and to try new things in order to gain wisdom about what my college career held in store for me. It is important to learn and try anything and everythin in order to know how you feel, and he only way to gain knowledge and experience, is to keep your mind open and give everything a chance. This is the advice I'd give myslf after experiencing my first year of college, and I think it is good advice many people could use, when considering what to do as they approach the world of college.
Hello, self. It may seem like a smart idea to pursue a 'practical' career goal, but you will not be happy. Choose a future plan that fits 'your' needs and 'your' interests. You have been the first female for many things in your family but it is time to follow the dream that is strictly your own, one that does not involve making your parents proud or proving your worth. Be incredulous that after all the hardships your parents endured to become American citizens that they would allow you to become nothing more than what you would have been back in rural Vietnam. Break the gender stereotype of your family and opt to carry a rifle instead of a frying pan. You are a woman, yes, but you are a strong woman. Although, you will suffer a terrible homesickness you have never felt before, you will meet amazing comrades who will always be there for you and you will conquer your fears after you've been pushed passed every limit in your body. Despite their disapproving faces, your parents will be proud of you. After all, you are a soldier. Remember, hope to the end and never lose your faith.
Enjoy your last year but start to move toward the college year. Be patient with yourself, your parents, you friends, roommates.....everything will workout and it will be the most outstanding experience of your life. Except the fear and tears of the unknown but know you are not alone and let yourself open to new friends and experiences. Life can change in an instance so take this time to grab as much as you can and have fun with the instructors and enjoy the fact you get to make the choices that will direct you life. And, if the direction you think you have chosen for the last 10 years suddenly become something that is NOT what you want, IT IS OK..........the sun will still come up in the morning, everyone will live after you tell them you have decided you would like to do something else. College that is what it does, it gives us choices to make. We can think about what we want to do when we grow up and they will help get us there. Get past the fear......what is behind this new door will knock your socks off!
I would go back and tell myself to make as many friends as possible. Becoming active on campus is one of the best things you can do to make friends and be exposed to the many activities and opportunities available. I would say get to know your professors and advisor. You will be able to talk to them about problems that you have, they are there to help you through your college experience. Do not get caught up in the high school drama, meaning do not let the little things bother you that the other students say or do to bring you down, just worry about yourself and your friends and do not let anything get to you. I would also tell myself that college is not scary and you will adjust to the college life just fine and you have nothing to worry about.
One very important thing is to visit all colleges I am interested in. This way, I won't have any doubt that this is the college I really want to go to. The transition is a lot better than what it seems. People at college are willing to help freshman and get to know them. It is not quite like high school where people are in seperate cliques and it is hard to fit in. Everyone has their own goals and ambitions, so it fun to meet a variety of people with all different backgrounds. Everyone says that college is hard, but it is just challenging. Classes are meant to teach you about what you want to know, information that can be used to help you with your career. There are so many sources, from professors to counselors, that will help you with your college experience and the journey beyond. Embrace it; this is the beginning of a new, exciting experience!
Remember to be true to yourself. Find that campus that grabs you. Keep your mind open as you take in the college. Don't try to do everything on your own. The other freshmen are in the same situation! Make sure your family knows you are ok.
If I could return to my high school senior-self, I would give myself a few words of advice. I would probably warn myself about the need for earplugs. I would also advise myself to not be afraid of becoming outgoing and sociable with people that I don't know; I shouldn't be afraid to talk to my neighbors, because they are really nice! I would also tell myself to take charge of my schedule and not procrastinate when it comes to purchasing textbooks for my classes!