Florida Southern College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Florida Southern College know before they start?


I believe that eductaion has no price, therefore the price of the college or university should never matter. Checking the finacial aid is a good idea but should never make the final decision. The programs that are offered shoul be the most important thing that should be thought about before the decision is made. After you know that the school options you are looking at offer the course of study you want to attend. Make sure you know whow many students atttend the school and how big some of your classes will be. In large universities a class can have hundreds of students. The location matters a lot because it will limit what you an do off campus and how many times you can visit family and friends back home. The best way to know if a school is right for you is to visit the school not over the summer but during the time when classes are going on and you can see the way things function on a day to day basis.


When it comes to choosing the best college, look into the things that fit your lifestyle: If you prefer to be in a small group of friends, and seem to be more extroverted when around less people, then a small private college would be a better choice; the opposite goes for the independent student who finds themselves in larger groups. Going on tours of the colleges make a huge difference in your decision; just because you like some of it's qualities, the college's atmosphere can't be transferred on a piece of paper. If you'd like to make the most of your experience, then get involved on campus! You get the opportunity to meet more people, and to make long-lasting relationships with your fellow students and the staff as well. Take advantage of your resources, and prove to your professors that you care about your studies. If you show some initiative, then your professors will care about your needs. By creating these connections, you're creating a network for you to fall back on in your future successes!


Be sure to visit the schools of choice and have the admission schedule you for a class to see the size and type of learning involved. In addition, make sure to look at the required courses needed for your specific studies, and ensure that those classes are of interest. Another point - look at the alumni participation and career counseling office.


Find a college that makes you feel the most comfortable. If you know you want small classes, don't go to a huge state school. Find a college that is molded to cater to your interests. You also want to go somewhere that you will get a very good education. This degree will help shape the rest of your life. Once on campus, I would participate in activities and network with students. Getting involved is going to give you the most reward to your experience. Don't sweat the small things. Classes will be tough but you will survive. Things will happen that you don't want to happen or that you don't expect to happen, just roll with the punches and take everything one step at a time, one class at a time, one day at a time.


Go and visit the school a few times and talk with some of the teachers you think you will interact with most frequently, sometimes just the teachers will make the school worth going to.


When I was looking for colleges, I wanted to find one that fit my personality. I found Florida Southern and it amazed me how perfect it was. First, it had an amazing music program, which is what I am majoring in. Second, it was a christian based school, but it was not strict about religious views. Finally, it was the perfect distance from my house. I was just far enough away that I was able to be independant, but close enough that I could visit my family any time. These are obvioulsy not the circumstances for everyone, but it is important to look at location, activities and most importantly the faculty. When the people that work and teach at the school are genuinely kind, it becomes apparent that they want to help their students succeed in all of their goals. These points are very true about my school and I wouldn't change this view for anything.


I would let the parents know that this is their students decision on where they want to go. No matter the cost or how far away its their college experience and no matter what they are going to learn from this new experience. For new students I would advise them to live on campus their first year to meet new people and get the full college experience. Also to take advantage of the organizations on campus because this is a good way to meet new people. Furhtermore Professors are there to help you, they are not like your highschool teachers but they can be a very useful source to find out about internships and different classes to take.