Florida State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Florida State University know before they start?


Eric Thomas said “When you want to succeed as bad you want to breathe than you’ll be successful”. This quote speaks volumes, for the reason being that we all want to be successful; we want the luxury life, the money, etc. But for one to be successful, one must know what they want to be in life, whether it means to be a doctor, CEO, Entertainer, or the President of the United States. Entering college is an exciting experience; you become an adult, and have adult decisions to make. But to become an adult one must act like one, meaning taking care of your responsibilities. Part of being responsible is prioritizing. Eric Thomas made it clear that when it comes to being successful, following your dreams, you want it so bad that you shouldn’t care about being cool, or the next party, or sleep. With prioritizing, when all your work is done and you have perfected it, you can enjoy life. . Life is about you, and if success is important to you, you’ll do whatever it takes to be successful and fulfill your dreams.


Remember your foundation; being away from home is a major step. I would have to say that listening to those that are there with you during your high school experience, the free knowledge of life that you acquire should not be taken in vain. It is easily thought that you will go to college and you are bound to flourish, going to college is one thing, succeeding in the life after is another. Invest in yourself, talk to those who have been down that very path that you have all intensions of going through or perhaps avoiding the mistakes they’ve made. I remember speaking to someone who was as I thought, a bright individual, but his actions and performance in college has shown otherwise; long story short, he was kicked out from one of the most prestigious schools of my state; he allowed himself to compromise his schoolwork, his future, for a few days of partying; essentially telling himself that he could catch up, he has time. What I would like to say to you is, the time is now. Invest in yourself; remember your true goals… not just those of today, the ones leading to tomorrow.


In my town you could dual enroll with the local college there. I would of dual enrolled to speed up my college career.


Take your time. These four years are the fastest of your life. Don't be in a hurry to move out of a dorm, to get your own house, to graduate, to move on...These years are beautiful and influential, scary and crazy. You become who you'll be in your adult life while in college. Remember to work hard, be honest, and be true to who you are, because if you lose yourself in college, there's a very slim chance you'll ever fully find you again. Don't ever quit because something is hard, simply push harder. Don't ever believe you have to do or be something because "everyone else is". If you stumble get back up. College goes by too fast to spend any amount of time feeling down. Do something that scares you: study abroad, sing karaoke, or take an art class. Remember that education is a privilege, not a right. Don't ever take your education for granted. Learn all you can about whatever you can. Leave your comfort zone in highschool. You won't need it here.


The first thing I would tell myself is to stop procrastinating. Go get things done! Push myself harder, challenge myself! I would tell myself to start saving money, ALL of it! Living on your own and being thrown into adulthood is a lot harder than you think, and you don't know everything you think you know. You're parents are right, never doubt them! Study harder, read more, take the initiative and make smarter decisions. Go to sleep at an earlier time, and wake up earlier. Eat better, because the freshman fifteen are no joke! Tell your parents how much you love them and appreciate all they do, because being an adult is not easy and you hve no idea how much you will miss them. Start getting prepared now, because trying to get scholarships at the last minute are not easy. The last thing I would say to myself is to get in the right mind-set. You're whole life is about to change and you have yet to experience the best times of your life and make so many memories. It's time to grow up, don't be afraid, take charge of your own life!


As a high school student you are footloose and fancy free. For the future you will need to work hard and expect to be competative with your work ethic and drive. You will have a lot of competition, so work at your skill and be the best in your field. Work on your "people skills" you will need them in business. Make lots of connections in your field, for the peolpe who teach you can also be your biggest cheerleaders for your success. Take every opportunity given to you to learn as much as you can by being involed and volunteering in your vocation. You will have the chance to meet very influential chefs and learn many business skills, take notes and ask many questions. Explore the city in which you will live. Visit museums and learn the difference in our own culture. Soak it all in for this opportunity comes once in a lifetime. Then take what you have learned and make a difference in peoples lives.


If I could go back and talk to my senior self, with the lessons I have learned, I would tell myself not to worry. I would say, “The best years of your life are coming up. You will be making great friends, in addition to the ones you already have. Continue to be who you are, you are ready for this. Also, the food is not so great, prepare yourself”


If I could go back in time to when I was a high school senior, I would have gotten much more help from my counselor. I would tell myself to get help with scholarship information and do everything I can to get as much money as possible to help with college costs. Another piece of advice I would give myself would be to work hard because it will only help you in the long run.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a senior I would emphasize the importance of networking in the college atmosphere. Everyone around you in trying to further their education and become better and more sophisticated person. This is the one time in your life where you will be surrounded by self motivated driven individuals. Therefore in whatever field of study that you choose, reach out and make as many friends as you can. This will be very beneficial because you are surrounded with individuals most like yourself. This type of influence can only help push you in the right direction. Staying motivated is another important aspect of college. Do not become lazy at the end of the semester and finish just as strong as you started. This type of go get ‘em attitude with pay off and relieve stress. When registering for classes…take a breath, everything will work out just fine. When you become enrolled in the class, get to know the teacher. This will help tremendously throughout the semester and believe it or not, half of them are pretty cool. Most importantly just enjoy yourself, because college is about finding your niche in this world.


First, always remember that in college, you and you alone are responsible for not only learning, but all scheduling, registration, payment, and administrative tasks. Unlike high school, it is not your parents' or the government's responsibility. If you don't get something done or miss a deadline you have no one to blame but yourself. Use your time wisely! No one is looking over your shoulder making sure you get the work done, and for the most part you are free to set your own schedule. This does not mean that you don't need to manage your time--you'll be surprised how fast time flies, so plan ahead and discipline yourself. Read the instructors' syllabi! Usually, everything you need to know about what to expect is there, and most instructors won't argue about items that you were supposed to know by reading the syllabus. Be confident, but know your limitations. Also, try to pick a major that is practical and which you can HONESTLY see yourself doing for your entire working life. Most of all, enjoy the time you are in school! You will be amazed how much fun it can be if you apply yourself.