I would tell myself not to worry as much, because where I thought I would end up may not be what is best for me and in the end everything works out. I would also tell myself that despite rumors of college being crazy and full of partying, there are other things to do and things that fit more of what I am looking for and the best thing to do is to try everything your freshman year and figure out what fits you best.
Don't be so afraid of making mistakes. They are simply a part of life, and they help us grow. I know in highschool I would aim for perfection with good grades and test scores, however sometimes I would sweat the small stuff. These things happen, and if I have learned anything from college, I know that these things can happen quite frequently. You WILL oversleep for a class, or forget to turn your homework in but it is okay. It is important to know that we, homo sapiens, are prone to human error, and so mistakes are perfectly normal. The key is making note of them and creating a plan to correct the error. As a prospective engineer, this is why I try to live by the phrase, "The road to success is always under construction."
I would tell myself... 'not to take that senior year for granted, the time will go by fast. You will blink and there you are standing on the stage getting your diploma. Soon your friends will be leaving, some them out of state, make sure you tell them goodbye. Don't feel ashhamd if you didnt get into your dream school or you have to go to a state college, Other doors will open. You don't want to grow up to fast. College life is harder... RESPONSIBLITES!! You are grown up now don't make mistake that will affect your life forever and close some of those doors. Make sure not to over pack.. cause that space is tiny. Oh and don't forget to pack underwear either. And always have Jesus by your side, he will help you through many things.' All those words in that essay is just a little of the advice I would give myself.. but then again you do learn from your mistakes.
If I could go back in time and talk to my self as a high school senior I would tell myself to be more confident in my self. A lot of times I tend to think that I do not have the ability to do something. I allow my thoughts to get the best of me and scare me from doing things that I probably could have done. For example community college requires you to take a placement test to know what academic level you are in. When it was time for me to take my placement test I was so afraid to take it and was almost certain that I would fail. I ended up rescheduling my test multiple times because I let fear get the best of me. I finally ended up taking my placement test and to my complete surprise I did so good that I was invited to the honors program. After graduating I learned that I should have more confidence in myself and my ability to things.
I quickly realize that transitioning from high school to college requires a lot of growing up. For me it meant that I had to get out of my comfort zone and adjust to being in college. I quickly realized that it is when. You are uncomfortable in a place that you never been before; gives you the hope of your first stage of maturity. Another thing that I would tell myself is that in high school all of my classes are in one building. Whereas when I get to college; I probably have to run all over campus to get to my classes. I would tell myself to do my best in high school and to keep up my grades. I would also say to myself make sure my GPA is 3.0 or higher. I would keep up my grades. I would also say to myself make sure my GPA is 3.0 or higher. I would also tell myself to take the SAT and other tests that would show my scores. This will help me to determine what college I could go to”. There is a difference between college and high school like freedom versus limited freedom.
After graduating high school I went to a junior college to pursue a AS degree in Radiology Technologist. Although I love being an Radiology Tech I didn't go to school for something I was passionate about. After doing some soul searching I decided to go back to school to pursue my passion. Working in the health care field is something I enjoy, however my passion is helping people in general. Not just in one spectrum of life, such as health. Knowing this I began to pursue a major in Social Work. If I could do things differently I would have applied to an University and pursued a career in something I'm passionate about.
The advice to give myself is that things are not that scary as it looks, you have to be more brave cause things are going to get harder, you've got to be more certain of what you want in life and go for it, to not let time pass by; take school more seriously dont wonder around. If I could go back in time and talk to me from senior year, I would tell her to enjoy every moment she have, to embrace those things that makes high school so wonderful cause she will miss it later, but most importantly to stop procrastinating cause it will hurt in the long run and she will be sorry for it later. To the me in my last year I will say thanks, cause the way she was she endured a lot and she is awesome although she lacked a little bit of social skills and I will remind her of how beautiful and smart she is no matter what your peers say about you. To the me in high school just to let you know college is awesome and it will be painful to get in but its so worth it.
The greatest advice I could give my high school senior self is this: Don't give yourself pep talks, Past Self. Your pep talks are the worst thing that could possibly happen to you. You get yourself all excited to do your work, you convince yourself that this time you're really going to put all your effort into doing this assignment or chore, but it's never going to happen. You know it's never going to happen. Don't give yourself the pep talk and get your hopes up that this time it will be different. You're far more productive when you just go with the flow. Sometimes you even do your work before the last minute when you don't give yourself the pep talk. Your pep talks just give you a false sense of time, Past Self, and a false sense of time is the last thing you need when you're waiting until the last minute to do most anything. Oh, and buy suitable winter clothes. Tallahassee gets cold.
Hello, me from the past. I can you see now, as you eagerly clutch those two acceptance letters to the schools of your dreams. You are ecstatic and excited to make the next biggest decision of your life. But stop for a moment, you’re leaving out the biggest factor in your decision.
I know you don’t want to have to think about money yet. I know that in the back of your mind you say, “I’ll worry about the cost after school.” Those schools you’re rushing to commit to are great schools, but the cost will end up causing you a lot of stress and headaches later on. It’s not worth it to pay so much for an education you aren’t even sure you want yet.
So please, sit down with your parents, come to terms with the fact that you can get as great of an education close to home as you can miles away. Plan it out; decide how you’ll pay for school together. And while you’re in school, try to pay off as much as you can. It will lead you to a much happier and satisfying adult life.
Looking back on high school now, I wonder why I put my self through so much stress. I was a part of the International Baccalaureate Program, marching band, choir, drama department and so many more clubs that I didn't have time for. Between academics and extra curriculars, I was constantly stressed out and on the brink of emotional breakdown.
So basically...
Dear High School Jennifer,
Don't worry so much. You're smart and high school isn't all that important in the long run. Yeah you need it, but DO NOT DO NOT DO INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE. AP and honors courses would have been plenty and you wouldn't have been smashing grapefruits and ripping up paper during class. You're going to find people who actually like you in college and not people who were forced to like you because you had the same classes, so don't bother with them. You're better than your rinky dink school and some of the jerks in it. (P.S. People don't care Tebow went there.)
You're a magnificent individual and don't ever doubt yourself or your dreams.
Future (Maybe not cooler, but definitely wiser) Jennifer