Prepare yourself emotionally, now, for the upcoming year and the changes you are about to experience. I know that you love high school and you love the friendships you have made, but be completely open minded to starting a new chapter in your life without these friendships and allow yourself to get to give the people in Tallahassee a chance. You are going to be just fine academically. Yes, there will be some courses that require you to pull "all nighters" and make you think you won't ever get by, but you are completely ready to take on those challenges and you will succeed. What you do need to realize, however, is that your social surroundings are about to change drastically. The lifestlye in Tallahassee in NOTHING like what you are used to at Southside Christian School and you are going to feel lost and alone at times. Don't ever adjust your morals and values in order to please the students that you meet. Remember that there is nothing wrong with you for staying true to yourself, and believe me when I say that you are going to be just fine!
Love, your future self.
Right now you know everything. You have a car, a job a girlfriend and a wonderful place to live with relatively no responsibility. This will change. You only think you know it though. You will put your life at risk in the coming years in the way you drive, behave with others and spend your money/time. Now is not the time to rest on your laurels, now is the time for an attitude ajdustment because what you will experience in the coming years will lay the foundation for the literal rest of your life. Make it count. And dont be scared of what im telling you either, you will have plenty of opportunities to make mistakes mostly because you have mom and dad to pick up the bill. Thank them. You will make friends, have the roughest days and nights,and laugh the hardest you have ever, but the end result is a bank of memories and experiences to put under your belt and venture out into the cold real world. Also, apply for scholarships, there is literally free money just waiting for you to take it just because youre attending college and are young, how awesome is that?
Dear Michal,
I happen to know so much about the person that you become, the dreams you sacrificed for and the ones that you had to abandon. You are leary about college and you don't understand what you are jumping into. It all looks so intimidating and prestigious from where you stand and it's alright to be apprehensive. It's ok to be nervous when you first go in to your classrooms or take your first exam. Nervousness makes you press forward in your goals and do all that you can do. Just remember that nervousness has a flipside to it with the same jittery, butterfly-in-the-stomach feeling and it is called, excitement.
But if there was just one piece of advice that I would leave to you, one thing that means more than all else pertaining to your future, then I can tell you this: It isn't about your destiny or what you choose to do; your heart already knows what it wants, or what to avoid and what not to, because all of that made you wiser and stronger.
It is that you find happiness on the otherside and nothing went to waste.
Highschool is fun and will be something to always remeber, but college is ten times better. Focus on your studies because that will really help to make college easier and more enjoyable. Don't worry about how popular you are, or how many friends you had in highscool, most will become memories. College is the time to build true friendships with people who share the same intrestets and morals as you. Just enjoy it and remeber you have so mucb to look forward to.
If I was given the chance to go back in time and talk to my high school self, there wouldn't be much that I could say. My transition thus far hasn't been too drastic compared to how life was as a high school student. It's been different when looking at the 'home-life' aspect, but when it comes to the schooling aspect, not much has changed. I had one of the best high school experiences and went to one of the top 10 high schools in the nation, so I was prepared to come to a state university with rigorous academics and one with a lot of school spirit. Talking to myself, I would only remind me to stay on top of everything and remember to keep myself organized. I could also teach myself how to do laundry just so my first day of doing laundry wouldn't have had to happen while at my dorm, but everything here has been easily adaptable. So pretty much the exact words I would tell myself would be, "Danielle, keep on doing what you're doing and have no regrets. You can do anything you set your mind to."
I would say this, start applying for scholarships right now, don't wait or you're going to be in debt for a long time after college and it's going to suck. Also, make sure you kill it your last year and make great grades that will be attractive to colleges as well as getting involved in clubs at your highschool to better college application. If you really want to spend the money to get a college education at a 4-year university, start finding out now how you are going to pay for it and where you're going to get the money. Try your best to not take out loans, and save whatever money you have. When you come to college it will be hard the first year because you won't know anyone and you'll be in an unfamiliar setting, but if you put yourself out there and get involved, you'll find people just like you and you can make life long friends so don't be afraid to get involved with an organization, or to just ask to join a frisbee game. College is a great experience as long as your prepared.
There are so many things that I would tell my high school self if I could go back, knowing what I know now. I would tell myself to apply for more scholarships than I did, and to save my money. I would also tell myself to save up for a car and not to spend my money on trivial things that I don't really need. I would tell myself not to waste my time practicing piano, because I will quit anyways, its not worth the stress. I would say "Hey, stop being so shy, get out and experience life so you won't experience culture shock when you leave your parents' tiny house in the middle of nowhere to live in the city". I would also tell myself to get involved more in my campus ministry during freshman year, because I would be a whole lot less lonely if I would've. Finally, I would tell myself that getting out of my comfort zone is the best way to succeed in college.
Be open to everything at FSU. Take a bunch of chances and never give up. You will learn so much about yourself and gain so much confidence. Don't be nervous about coming from out of state, you'll make a bunch of great friends and you will even come to find the love of your life. You'll appreciate your parents more than you ever have for being able to give you this chance. They will also support all the decisions you make. Don't worry about any B's you might recieve. Your gpa will be fantastic so don't be hard on yourself. You'll get so close to a 4.0 so don't let falling short stop you from working hard. Never be hard on yourself for any difficulties you might incounter. You will make it through. Florida State will give you everything and anything you want all you have to do is look them and try.
My words of encouragement for my past self would remind her that attending Florida State University is truly living a dream. Not many people get the gift of education due to monetary reasons or because of their lack of freedom and it is a privilege to attend a university. The reality of the situation is that there will be hurdles in college and at times they will seem near impossible but they are not. They are the foundation that sets one up for the future and helps one overcome struggles to achieve success. Enjoying college life is important but so is your GPA. College is difficult academically but not impossible. It is important to focus on your goals but it is okay to fail as well. Perfection isn’t expected and the only way to learn is to fall. FSU will take you to your lowest of lows and your highest of highs. Soak in EVERY moment you can and learn from it. The next four years will be a completely unique experience but by the end of it you won’t want to change a thing.
Be prepared for anything. Although it may seem like everyone is there to make friends and get an education, it can be easy to lose sight of what you are there for. Not everyone is as dedicated to getting into medical school as you are and it is easy to be persuded into going out instead of doing homework. It is very important to have an incredible time, but, don't forget about your studies, it is okay to just stay in the dorm and relax some nights. Surround yourself with people who have the same mindset as you, other biological science majors, and study study study! But, also, go out, try new things and talk to EVERYONE! You never know - maybe your new best friend will sit down next to you in your monday class! Most of all, don't be afraid to put yourself out there! :)