Listen, first thing first, stop panicking! No the world doesn't hate you and no you're not failing at life. Trust me, it hasn't even begun! Don't think you have to stick with what you think you were supposedly destined for because life is defnitely gonna be a toss up for ya. Your boyfirend is stupid and won't mean much after while so just give it time! The right one has been under your nose this whole time:) College is going to be just the expereince you need! It's another world that's going to whip you into shape and will help push you to your fullest extent. You're going to trade your sneakers in for a suit jacket and heels (but don'tfreak out). You're going to gain so much knowledge that it'll help land you the internship you will long for! You'll grow out of that timid-ness and your style will shine as bright as your smile. So be brave and work this world like a runway, honey!
College is NOTHING like high school. You can't just 'wing' it and get amazing grades. You truly get the grades you deserve in college. This means you have to work hard if you want to get by. Always stay focused and if you are having trouble, never be afraid to reach out. Teachers are very understanding and it is SO much easier to get help than to wait until it's too late and the damage is done.
I know that the end of high school makes life seem tough what with starting a new chapter in your life. Don’t fret over it. You'll make mistakes in college but don’t worry - you’re there to learn. I don’t just mean that you will just attend classes and become a proficient student; you will meet a new set of people who will influence the way you think, act, and understand the ‘growing up’ ideal. At some point you’ll realize that grown-ups don’t really exist. We are just big children with large dreams and a drive to succeed. Don’t try to slave away at what you do, become the happiest with what you are doing. If there’s ever a moment where you sigh when explaining your major to someone, seize the opportunity to try something different. Nothing is ever set in stone. No one has it all figured out in college. You don’t have to either. Learn about the world around you. Learn about yourself. Take this change as a big adventure. I know you will be fine (and on your way to a new chapter called graduate school.)
Going back in time I would tell myself to take more chances. I would tell myself to join that club I was interested in but ended up not doing. Another thing I would tell myself is to always put in extra time with my studies, spend the extra hour at the library instead in front of the TV. The last thing I would say is to always remain open to new ideas and different people in my life.
Never give up! You know your dad pushes you to be the best academic scholar you can be, and your mother supports you through every decision you make. It's okay if you don't know exactly what you want to do with your life. You're not alone. Don't worry about the little things, or stress over not knowing which classes to take. There are people that will be there to help you. Keep your education as your priority and have fun. Don't slack in your school work because you KNOW you'll hear an ear full from dad. Keep your chin up and keep moving forward. You're going to go far, kid!
Don't transfer from a community college, go straight into FSU. Apply for more scholarships!
Don't be afraid to get involved, this school offers clubs and activities for almost anything so go join some and you will make plenty of great lfelong friends through that.
You don’t know the half of it.
You think you rule the school, but soon you will realize that you are just a tiny fish in a gargantuan pond. You want advice? I have been through the all the hoops, and the process is not easy. Start your college applications yesterday! And by that I mean immediately, because they are time consuming and you want to really impress colleges with your essays. So write them, and then edit them, and then get an outside opinion. Now edit them again. This goes for scholarship essays too. As soon as you start your college search you should also be looking for scholarships. I gave up too many opportunities to earn scholarships by not looking in time. And when you do finally start searching, write down every due date and make sure you actually do them by that date. Or truly, way before. Never do something, especially write an essay, the day before it is due. You need these scholarships, because starting next year you won’t always have your parents to lean on. Get a job, even if you don’t think you will have time. Start being financially responsible now.
As college acceptance letters start filing in, everyone starts checking with each other to see who’s going where and who got into what. As you sift through your choices, it becomes difficult as you argue with your friends about which college is better and which you should file into. Feelings are hurt and jealousy flares when “friends forever” are on the verge of splitting when one got a chance at Duke and the other’s top college is Broward Community. Relationships strains over the thought of distance.
It shouldn’t be like this.
College is a place to learn about yourself and discover new things. It’s okay to branch out and make new friends. Go out of state, go abroad, go somewhere where no one knows you and recreate yourself. You will never get this chance again. Do not be the person who sits in the hallway on the phone all the time. Be the person who is going out and making a new name of yourself. Join clubs and take weird classes. Don’t make decisions based on other people. Be your own person.
Focus on school early on and make the right choices. You can make mistakes but everything has a price. Know what you want to do and do not let social activities make you lose focus of what you want in life. Keep your values as motivation. This will be a hard road but just think about that road less traveled and the difference it will make in the future.