The number one thing I would tell myself is easy: to just relax, smile more, and take a more positive general outlook on life. Given that it was a huge change in my life to leave my hometown and come to a completely new place without knowing many people, I took a cautious, uptight point of view my freshmen year. However, I quickly realized that most people were in similar situations and this made me feel much more comfertable with myself as it became a point of unity between my peers and I. Looking back, I would definitely tell myself to just lighten up more and go out and explore new things and find out who you are! It's never too late to do that, but living a secluded lifestyle when you don't want to because you're anxious about a different environment can be draining!
If I were to go back in time, the advice in which I should give myself would sound quite cliche. Of course, I would tell myself to work hard, take some time out for fun, avoid procrastination, etc. However, I feel as though no advice is better than experience. After all advice that has been given to me throughout high school, no one has given more valuable advice than experience itself. Therefore, the advice that I WOULD give myself would be to learn from experiences, and prepare to not always be great at everything. In addition, College is completely different from high school, so being open-minded is the best way to be.
If I could give my former high school self advice about college, I would share some insight on maintaining a good gpa, off-campus living options, and persuing my master's degree after graduation. I worked very hard my last two years of high school in order to be accepted into a university of my choice. I think this had something to do with my initial average grades during my freshman year of college; I didn't put as much effort as before, because I was focusing more on the new home transition, far away from my family. If I can go back, I would remind myself of the importance of good grades and being academically responbile. I would also advice myself to research the many off-campus apartments, before committing to a first home. Finally, I would encourage myself to apply and attend graduate school, as opposed to taking a break after graduation. The transition from undergraduate to graduate school is much easier and less stressful when you prepare yourself while you're in school. It helps to be already in the school routine (and not working) while maintaining the support you need from previous advisors and faculty members.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to cherish every moment. Time flies so fast and you will never be able to go back and enjoy the moments you share with friends and family during those transitional times of your life. The last thing I would tell myself, is to be comfortable with how you were uniquely created. Don't try to be someone you are not.
Hey, Forever.
Do not stress. College is not the same college your teachers in high school forced you to fear. Professors are here to teach you and guide you and aid you, because this is what they love doing. College is managable. Purchase a planner. It will become your new best friend. I am not kidding. You will have graced that planner with your fingers more than anything or anyone else by the end of the year. Classes will not consume all of your time. There are people who Double Major, earn a Certificate, obtain internships, and still have time to join an intramural sport. I'm not recommeding you do all these things, but get involved. There is an unlimited number of engagements: undergraduate research, clubs, cooking classes, and many other organizations just waiting to be found by somebody like you. You may not fit in everywhere you go, but I promise you will fit in somewhere. You will encounter a side of you that you never knew. It is time to discover yourself. Better yet, it is time to create yourself. This is an experience you'll never have again.
With the utmost truth,
Your future self
I would tell myself to spend more time searching for scholarships to pay for school, and to realize how expensive living on your own can be. I would also tell myself to start saving up money, so that I would have a decent amount of cash saved up for school. Finally, I would tell myself not to stress about getting accepted into schools, because I'm sure I'll do great no matter where I go.
I would tell myself to take the time and learn to be more outgoing towards others, to share a bit more of whats on my mind, to not keep everything locked in. It tell myself to avoid being distant towards others or indirect as it leads to misunderstandings. I would also give myself a heads up on the costs of going to college and living on campus so i could get that early start on looking for ways to pay for college.
Stay positive and keep focused on school. You are at the university to get an education so that should be your first priority. If things go wrong though, just remember to stay positive and use the amazing resources your university offers.
If I could talk to my high school self, the advice I would give my self is to have worked on my schedual better so that I could have taken AP Calculus BC which I feel would have really helped me. I also would tell my self to find more time for scholarships because the money would really come in handy, if not for this year at least to be saved for graduate school. Overall I would like to share the information I now know about colleges and try to make the decision easier and less stressfull.
I would tell myself to calm down, to not worry. All throughout highschool, I was so worried about college applications, and whether or not the club I was participating in would be interesting enough for the college admissions boards. Now that I am in college, and being asked to look back on my high-school self struggling to get through senior year, I would tell myself that I am doing fine. I would tell myslef to spend less time focused on what I looked like on paper, and worry more about how I was feeling, and how I was dealing with the "big move" coming up. To focus more on enjoying these last few months with the kids I have been with since oreschool. To focus more on what dress I would wear to prom, and what my best friend and I would dress up as during homecoming week. I would tell myself to enjoy what was left.