Although my main major goal is animation, I have only taken core liberal arts classes and standard art classes in my college career thus far. Many people I have talked to wish that they could jump straight into their major and skip the english, math, and other liberal arts credits. I disagree with this opinion. I believe that through my 3 completed semesters to achieve my AA degree I have gained a great amount of knowledge that I otherwise would not have know. Taken these college courses is important because it opens one’s mind to other knowledge that is out there and gives the student a larger perspective. Personally I believe this extra knowledge will further me in life and my future career. Since I am knowledgeable about various subject matters I can apply my knowledge in productive ways. I value the extra knowledge I have obtained and plan to put it to effective use once I engage primarily in my major.
I have gotten a lot of debt! More importantly I have gained tremendous knowledge that I will be able to apply not only in my future career, but through life in general. I think that through my educational journey I have grown as a person and gained personal assets that will help me as an individual even after graduation. I have learned how to be more responsible in every aspect of my life, along with better time management, attention to detail, focus and dicipline. I get a sense of accomplishment with understanding the material and being able to apply what I am learning in everyday life. I feel like I am gaining more than just a degree in going to college.
Most students say that going to college is all about the parties and the social outings. When you really think about it, these are the prime years of our lives and the most important time to focus on our education. By no means am I saying that social outings are not part of the experience at all, it definitely completes the whole college experience. FSU has offered the best of both worlds. Not only is it a university filled with school spirit and excitement, but they offer a 'real world' view of things that most other universities lack. I appreciate having had the chance to really benefit from my education while still learning things that I will use outside of college. Although I am eager to graduate and start a new stage in my life, one that FSU has prepared me for, I am also glad that I have another year left at this school. I just think of it as another set of lessons I still have to learn and will benefit from, not only on an academic level, but on a personally enriching level as well.
My college experience has introduced me to a variety of perspectives I would not have easily had access to if I chose not to continue my education. Florida State University offers a diverse environment that facilitates both formal learning in the classroom and life-learning outside of the classroom. I have had the opportunity to meet and become close with other students from a multitude of backgrounds. It has taught me learning about other ways of life not only creates a welcoming, safe space for all students but it also challenges expectations and catalyzes critical thinking.
I have learned many things while attending college. I have learned new social skills and better study habits. I also learned to prioritize and about what is ultimately important.
Attending college totally change my life style. I became more responsible and more caring about my future. Struggling in finding a good job to make a living for me and my family what made me think about going back to school and matter fact I became successful in what I am doing. I found out that I am much smarter than I ever though. College made me many great friends and made me to know all different kind of people while I am working on the degree that I always dreamed of. It's valuable to attend college because I turned from a hopeless person all was looking for is a job to make ten dollars per hours to someone is working on a degree that most likely going to make about sixty thousand dollar per year. Attending college for me is my hope to build my future for me and my family.
Although I have not been a student here at the Florida State University for very long, I feel that I have grown tremendously as a person. My first, and only, semester was scary for me to say the least. I am A girl who loves her mother and her friends. It was difficult for me to adjust because I was on my own, living off campus, and had friends at other schools besides mine. In only four short months I became a much more independent person. I pay my rent on time, go to class daily and manage to keep my grades up. I have also proved to myselk that I am able to venture out into the world with out someone by my side. I have made friends that I hope to keep for a lifetime. Even though it has only been one semester, I am more than excited for the years ahead.
At the beginning of my 2010-2011 school year, I was not experiencing college as any freshman should. I was living at home and staying in my own little bubble of friends that I already had from high school. I did not participate in any college activities. But, as the second semester rolled around I did a total 180. I moved to a new school and lived on campus instead of at home. Being at the heart of the college really makes the experience so much better. You meet so many people that are extremely helpful and friendly. Going to college is worth anybody's while because you not only get an education in the classroom, but you learn many life lessons too.
College is a place to learn diversity. It is a way to step out of the norm and become an independant thinker. I have enjoyed learning a subject I am passionate about while expanding my view of the world. The opportunities I have been presented are numerous. I have grown as an individual and as a friend and also have grown in my chosen carreer. I encourage anyone willing to listen to step out of your comfort zone and dive into a new expierance such as college, it gives you the self confidence and conviction that will inevitable impact every remaining day of your life.
My college experience is something I will always remember. I have spent only a short two semesters at the Florida State University so far but as a result of my experiences my scope on the world has been opened. I have gained not only academic knowledge during these two semesters, but also real-world practicality that I would not have acquired anywhere else. Things such as time management and budget construction will always aid me throughout the business and political world. I have learned that some friends may not be in my best interest, and that others may stay with me for the rest of my life.
I would say that because of my time spent at the Florida State University I have grown from an indifferent teenager to a confident young adult. My family has certainly seem the changes in me over school breaks when I am permitted to come home. My Mother says that she is proud of me and how much I have matured over the past year. I know that college is an experience that has shaped me as a person and will always follow me through life.