Fordham University Top Questions

What are the academics like at Fordham University?


Fordham is very rigourous in terms of work load. You will be busy.


Regardless of core classes, humanities, or theology, all the professors at Fordham know their stuff and know even better how to profess it! Even in my first year, my professor are teaching me how I can apply my knowledge to my respective major of Finance-even philosophy! After just two semesters, I really feel like a much more receptive and open minded person who can think outside the box!


I would definitely have to say that most of the teachers that I have learned from at Fordham teach us for the pure joy of teaching/watching us grow as students. The two Graduate students that I have had (both english prefessors) surprisingly loved their craft more than any teachers i have ever had before in my life! It was really uplifting to see them during the week, and I could really tell they loved coming to class. On the other hand, CBA is geared to learning for its own sake, but definitely reminds us as students that we should have internships to get us ready for a job in the long run. The professors do not necessarily push the sole idea of getting a job to us during class, but they are always available to talk about careers after class or through e-mail. I also really love how on top of things my dean is. He sends us many e-mails about job opportunities and internships that have been a great help to me. It's almost like i have a sixth teacher every semester because of how available he makes himself to me!


Yes, professors know your name


do professors know my name -Yes Favorite class - Invitation to theatre, my teacher is awesome and really cares Least favorite - Math methods in Business, Fordham is realy bad at getting good math or science teachers. How often do students study -Theres a few people that are studying 24/7 but on average maybe an hour or 2 for each class is class participation common - Yes Do fordham students have intellectual conversations outside of class - Yes all the time, I love it Are students Competitive -Yea What is the Most unique class I've taken -Stats 1 my teacher is off the wall About my Major - I want to study Marketing with a minor in theatre. Do i spend time with my professors outside of class - Yes how do i feel about fordhams academic requirements - its hard and it doesn't allow me to look into things that i am interested in. is the educatio at fordham geared towards getting a job or learning -No


Some of my professors know my name, the ones who don't don't seem to make much of an effort to learn student names. My favorite class right now is actually Introduction to the New Testament, because my professor is great. He is probably the best professor I have had and even the best teacher I've ever had. I wish my other professors were like him. My least favorite class is Statistical Decision Making. I have a hard time understanding it and while my professor knows his material very well, he isn't the best at teaching it. Students usually only study before quizzes and tests, so how often they study depends on how often they have quizzes or tests. Class participation varies from class to class. In some classes many people have views to expound, whereas in others people can't wait to get out of class or are just uninterested. Intellectual conversations outside of class occur, but they are not by any stretch the norm. Students are always competitive, and it is no different at Fordham. My major is Accounting, which will completely fill my schedule with coursework because it is the most rigorous business major at Fordham. I am only in my second accounting class so far, but I really enjoy it. I almost never spend time with professors outside of class. I feel that Fordham's academic requirements are reasonable. The education at Fordham is a mix of both learning for its own sake and helping you get ready for a job.


Professors will absolutely know your name- and if they do not, they will die trying. Only in lecture halls of 100+ students this may be an issue, but the general class is usually less than 30 students. My favorite class was my English Freshman core requirement class. I had professor Mary McElligott and she was just such an inspiring woman- i took her again my sophomore year because I enjoyed the class so much. Professors definitly strive to get all students to participate in class but it's a two-way street. No one is going to baby you- or harp on you to hand in work. Even though I've complained a time or two over grades I've recieved, professors are pretty unbiased and fair in their grading. If i could suggest one thing to all incoming students it would absolutely be to attend a professor's office hours at least once in the beginning of the semester. Not only will you show that you're interested, but professors are people too, and they are smart- if nothing else, just have a conversation and see where it leads. I had a professor explain to me once how I should attend Law School and it changed the path of my college career. I've had a number of memorable conversations with teachers in their office hours so I'd say it's worth a shot. A lot of people complain about the core requirement at Fordham. It is pretty rigorous and it can be annoying at times, but the classes are there for a reason. There are two history, two english, two faith/religion, two philosophy, an art, and a math within Fordham College's requirements. If you can take nothing else from these requirements, at least you're getting a taste of what else is out there. The Jesuit way of learning is meant to develop the whole person and I feel that the core really helps this.


professors absolutely know my name fav class: biology lab least favorite: english composition and rhetoric study: the students here are smart and they don't study every night, but definitely they put in time during the week participation: very common intellectual conversations: quite often, regarding politics, ideas, policies, its very common competitive: not at all!!! in my experience, all of the students are here for each other, unlike at the ivy league schools where competition is rampant. the students here want you to do better which is wonderful!! unique class: close reading and writing through Jazz Major: biological sciences is my major, and I am a pre-med kid. it is a very demanding major. but the pre-med program at fordham is one of the best in the nation. it is an extremely rigorous program, but it ultimately has one of the highest rates of medical school acceptances. the department is good, we have a pre-med advisor and the bio/chem departments are very strong. time w/ professors: I will go see my professors during office hours when I have a question, need something proofread, my professors are very flexible and always available and are very quick with email requirements: Fordham has a HUGE core system. it is a little to big for me! definitely look at the core system here because it does take a long time to fulfill all of the requirements. so most students have to work to complete the core before they can focus on their major. education philosophy: Fordham has a great philosophy, it is said in really good words, but i cannot recite it. fordham definitely teaches students how to think for themselves and really learn. we have a great career services at fordham which works very hard to get fordham high paying jobs right out of college. fordham creates intelligent, moral, and street smart (from living in the bronx) students.


All of my professors can address me by my first name and some even by my first and last name. My absolute favorite class is English, in each semester. But then again, I am a Communications major so that's to be expected. My least favorite is the foreign language classes. Class participation fluctuates from class to class. In some classes everyone is fighting to speak. In others, the professor rants for an hour and fifteen minutes without even letting their students speak. Some students definitely take their knowledge outside the classroom. Most students are very competetive with grades, again the ego taking over. The most unique class I have taken was English Composition and Rhetoric with Professor Greenidge-Copprue. The man is a genius and I can't tell you how much I enjoyed his class. I do not spend time with professors outside of class unless I am having trouble with the material and need to see them for office hours. The education at Fordham is 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} geared towards getting a job.


Most of my professors take the time to get to know my name and face. In my favorite class, my professor allows class discussion and is open to opinions of the students. My least favorite class, however, does not have room for debate. The professor is right and there is no way around it. Class participation is fairly common. I don't spend too much time studying, but I do know a lot of students that study a lot. It depends on the individual. Education here will help you get a job, but it is more than just that.