I would have apply for more colleges saved money to have for college .Took my grades serious and really did my best.
I would tell myself to take a dual-enrollment class, take college courses in advance, or make sure to take Advanced Placement tests. I wasted a lot of time and money in my first 2 years of college on classes that I could have already completed prior to coming to college. I would also tell myself to be more outgoing and make friends with more people. In many cases, it's all about who you know. I would make sure that I knew what my major would be because changing majors often puts one behind on their intended graduation date. I would tell myself to apply for as many scholarships as possible and to make certain that my high school counselor was willing to help find scholarships.
The advice I would give parent and students about choosing a colleg is to never base a choice on cause a friend is going there or just cause the offer the courses you need....Yea it is a great thing to know that the college has the courses one need but you want to check into other aspects of the college....And no you do not want to go to a college a long time friend is going to just cause he or she is going...One need to make sure he or she likes the campus and see how people treat each other on the campus...Make sure he or she is going to like the campus enough to withstand a whole year of living there...When choosing a college its about all the little aspects of it to make a good choice...Its not about how big or small it is or how good the sports teams are...Its so much more than that...
Inorder to find the right college for you, you need to find something that has the things that are most important to you. If you enjoy having a few close friends and just hanging out at a picnic table, then find a small school that is in a small town. If you like going out with big groups of friends to dinner and a concert, then find a big school in a big city. The right college for you will in a sense match your personality. To make the most of your college experience, get involved. Try things that you've never done before. Expose yourself to new experiences.
College is not just about books, classroooms and education. It is about becoming a well-rounded person, able to stand on your own two feet, willing to reach out and help others, as well as working hard to make a future for yourself. The best way to make the most of college is to get involved, be active, be around people, don't sit in your room playing video games. Socialize, take part in all the activities that your college offers. Find people you like to make study groups with. Learning with friends makes it way more fun. Find people you can trust, make friends. TO find the right college you need to visit campuses, find what has the educatoinal needs you have, but also, which schools can fulfil your social needs as well. Everyone is different, accept that, and get out there and meet someone new! Make new friends everyday. Add them to your facebook. Parents, take your kids to visit the colleges, listen to what they see, participate in their lives. College is an amazing time if you make it to be just that! It is all a choice!
I love the small school atmosphere, where everyone knows each other and talks to them as they pass during the day. These friends will last my entire life.
Get out there and try new things... Take classes you might not think would be you... hang out with all kinds of people... learn by living and live to learn. Do go to a state school just because it is cheaper. Find a home that fits your beliefs and goals!!
So much of the college search process seems to be focused simply and narrowly on matching career goals with perceived quality of degree programs or - on the other side - on which school has the best party life. Focusing your college search solely on these type of things (though the former [degree program] is important) results in an almost superficial college experience that can traslate to a somewhat hollow life beyond those few years. The quality of mutual student interaction and enrichment on campus can mean the difference in how you perceive the lasting effects of your college experience. If the college is simply the medium through which you can obtain a higher pay-grade job, then the possiblity for a deeper life transformation is lost. If you find a college atmosphere that affords such a student experience then immerse yourself in it. Far beyond the domain of the collegiate degree, the life-changing experiences of a college whose students and faculty truly bring you in as a part of thier family can pay far greater dividends throughout your life than if college was simply the place you earned your degree.
Go where you want to go. Study what you want to study. Get involved. Be kind. Always practice the Golden Rule
College is said to be "the times of your life" ; however, in reality, college is what YOU make it! College can be the greatest experiences you will ever encounter! It brings about new opportunities and freedoms you have never experienced before! My advice would be to truly cease each and every opportunity you are handed! Most of these opportunities will never come but once in your life, and there's no better time to open them welcomingly than these young years! I think when looking at colleges you need to consider where the student would feel most comfortable and happy! Being away from home may be tougher than you think and it is key to find people who can become your second family! Also, find schools that challenge you academically, because afterall, our education is the main reason we are attending school! When you pick your college make sure you branch out of your normal comfort zones, make new friends with people you normally wouldnt have thought about. These friendships can be forever lasting! Also, don't abandon your studies! Make memories! Make the old addage true, make it "the time of your life!"