Freed-Hardeman University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Freed-Hardeman University know before they start?


Let the kids choose where they want to go. Don't limit their options.


Visit the school without a special event going on. Ask yourself how much will it cost for four-years. (The amount not covered in scholarship and figure up the payments for when you graduate) As yourself if you're willing to pay this much to attend there.


Decide if you are comfortable at the college you choose! If you feel comfortable beforehand, it will make meeting people and living with strangers a lot easier. You only have one freshman year of college, and you should make the most of it! Don't get caught up in the party scene, you want to remember your experience! College is a time of growing up and learning about yourself! Remember who you are, where you've come from, and make those people proud at home! There is more to learn in college than ever! The world is at your fingertips! Go to a college with a study abroad program. It will change your life! Open your eyes to the world around you and see as much of it as you can! Communicate with your parents often, they have made a lot of sacrifices throughout your life to get you to where you are. Love college!


To make the best of one's college experience, one must be able to get along with the people. After all, the college is only made up of the students and faculty associated with it. The campus, the town, how good the food is, how good the dorms are, etc., are all extra perks, but one can have the best college facilities in the world and still be miserable, if they don't enjoy being around the people. One must choose a school for what he or she wants to get out of it, be it academics, or culture, a good party scene, or to just get away from mom and dad. My advice is to visit campuses, talk to people, see what the people you meet think about the school, see if you would like the people that you meet, and then make a decision and stick to it. No matter where you choose, the college years will be some of the most exciting years of life.


If you want to go to a private university go to a community college and do the basics first. It will save money and be much easier.


I would tell anyone that there is no way to choose a college properly, even if you know its reputation is good, except by visiting the campus. That is so vital. It is not super difficult to put up a good website and take pictures of the best places of the campus and make it appear as if it is awesome. The main way to know what is best for your child (and the money you're spending) is to visit the campus and meet the president and the teachers and get to know the people. One thing awesome about FHU is that it is definitely trying to improve its campus, but it is far above other colleges because of the people. It is the people that make up the school and that make up the staff that make it so unique. You can not go many places where you see your teacher lecture in a class and then see them on Sunday morning worshipping right down the aisle just as much as you. FHU is a very unique place and you can not figure that out until you come. So come on.


First, decide how far you are willing to go for the eduction you want. Geographic proximity to home will greatly impact your post-secondary eduction. Next, find a school that has at least one major course of study that you feel passionate about pursuing. Remember that a majority of students change majors during their college years. Following that, find and talk to alumni and current students about the atmosphere of the school. Ask honest questions, and expect honest answers. Don't only believe paid representatives of the university. They are paid because they have a definite positive opinion of the school. Ask sources that are less biased. Tour the campus of as many schools as you can, and talk to students that you see. You will be able to better gauge the school's atmosphere and priorities that way. After that, find out what kind of financial aid the school realistically offers you, and read carefully. These are all important considerations to undertake when choosing the university that is right for you.


When choosing a college, always interview current students and past students. They will be the ones that will tell you the truth on how the school really is.


I would say talk about it...make sure it is what you want and are really looking for. Don't just go somewhere where all of your friends go. You most likely will not like it. If you go somewhere different, it will give you something to talk about when you come home and see your friends, plus you will have many more good friends.


When choosing a college, do NOT worry about which college is the most popular or the least liked. That's the public opinion... not yours. Each college is for someone. Everyone has different needs that are met by different academic institutions. It's like finding your fingerprint - it's an unique search that is just for you. And when it comes to financial aid, be assertive! There are tons of ways to get help financially for school. And when you're at college, don't lock yourself in your dorm room all the time to study. You're there to experience life with tons of other peers who are in the same boat as you! Share life stories and create a new beginning as well! Remember - live. Laugh. Love. :) College is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that is sure to never be forgotten.