George Mason University Top Questions

Describe the students at George Mason University.


smart. nice. helpful. drive.


The student body at George Mason is very friendly, accepting, and diverse. As one of the most racially diverse campuses in the United States, this should be expected. George Mason itself has dozens of programs to welcome and support all types of people of any ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation. I have never seen any issue between students on campus related to one's background or preferences. George Mason is an extremely friendly campus.


The student body at Mason is very diverse, and we have a lot of international students. No one should feel out of place, because there is literally someone with the same interests.




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Since coming to Mason, I have learned that this school has students with huge hearts and open minds. You will rarely see any group that doesn't contain at least three different races or religions, all interacting and being accepting of one another. Whether you're shy, outgoing, Jewish, Islamic, Christian, Caucasian, straight, or considered "middle class", you will find people who welcome you and do not judge you based on your race, religion, sexual orientation or socio-economic status.


They are my friends. We not only go to class together but we hang out outside of the classroom. We motivate each other to do better, instead of thriving on competition.


George Mason has a very diverse community and everyone intertwines. It isn't like groups of white kids together and spanish kids in another corner. There isn't really a certain way people dress at GMU. You have the people who come to class wearing yoga pants/sweatpants and a sweatshirt. You can also find the girls with the UGGS and the Hollister shirt. You can find the guys with the cargo shorts and t-shirts. Most students are from northern Virginia but a lot of states are represented in the school and so are a good number of countries.


The topic should first be clarified; I have noticed that in my classes I have three types of personalities. The first type, to summarize in one sentence, are those who are simply in college, for lack of a better term, "just because" and care little for their grades. The second type which is the majority, are those who are dedicated to their studies and go to almost every class and study hard. Finally, the last type are those who are just brilliant and do not need to go to class to get the "A."


George Mason University is one of the most diverse schools out there. You can literally - and when I say this, I mean it - find someone of any background here. With over 250 clubs, there are plenty of organizations to delve into, to meet new people and form new ideas. Different types of students interact regularly. Prejudice is strongly looked down upon in our school. The campus is easily accessible, with alternate routes for handicap available throughout campus.