One of the things Mason is most popularly known for is its diversity! Walking around campus, you can see various races and hear many different languages. I’ve met international students from India, China, Ghana, Benin, Jamaica and Ecuador. Every state in the US is represented in Mason’s student population as well. Mason also has many religions represented and each is tolerant of each other. Ranging economic backgrounds can be found, but there is no single one that takes predominance over another. With our close proximity to DC, a large amount of our students are politically aware and active. This creates interesting conversation and allows you to learn about others’ views. The best thing about Mason is there’s no set type of personality. No matter who you are or where you come from, it’s impossible to come here and not find a group of people similar to you and that you can get along with.
I have been a virtual student so have no experience directly with my classmates.
There is a very diverse student population at George Mason. It is known as one of the most diverse schools, especially since it is located so close to DC. When you walk around campus you find that this stereotype is very accurate. There are also numerous student organizations to make these students feel very welcome. I am part of the Persian Club, which is one of the many cultural organizations. Most students have money since they are from around the area, but there is every type of person at Mason.
There is a very diverse student population at George Mason. It is known as one of the most diverse schools, especially since it is located so close to DC. When you walk around campus you find that this stereotype is very accurate. There are also numerous student organizations to make these students feel very welcome. I am part of the Persian Club, which is one of the many cultural organizations. Most students have money since they are from around the area, but there is every type of person at Mason.
There is a very diverse student population at George Mason. It is known as one of the most diverse schools, especially since it is located so close to DC. When you walk around campus you find that this stereotype is very accurate. There are also numerous student organizations to make these students feel very welcome. I am part of the Persian Club, which is one of the many cultural organizations. Most students have money since they are from around the area, but there is every type of person at Mason.
There is a very diverse student population at George Mason. It is known as one of the most diverse schools, especially since it is located so close to DC. When you walk around campus you find that this stereotype is very accurate. There are also numerous student organizations to make these students feel very welcome. I am part of the Persian Club, which is one of the many cultural organizations. Most students have money since they are from around the area, but there is every type of person at Mason.
Mason is full of diversity and a lot of hard working students who are trying to be successsful by learning the curriculum to help them later in life. The students are extremely friendly.
We're rated in the top ten most diverse campuses in the country. GMU has every time of student and both the clubs and teachers reflect tolerance and open-minded acceptance of every race, gender, religion, sexual orientation and socioeconomic class.
There is such a big variety it is hard to generalize!!
As I am sitting here on this computer I am surrounded by numerous students of different ethnicities and backrgrounds. You see everyone interacting with everyone. I love it, I my self am dating someone of a different race that I met here at Mason. It is a very cool thing.