George Mason University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about George Mason University!


If there is a hell below us, I have little doubt that Satan is looking at Mason and taking notes on what real torture is like. Going to Mason is like reliving your most boring high school days every time you set foot on campus. It's like a poison that creeps into your blood but doesn't kill you, so every second you spend there is more and more agonizing. You are surrounded at all times by failure that you can't escape and have nobody to blame but yourself.


Traffic at Mason is awful. Parking is awful. I don't know why anyone buys a parking pass anymore. They're expensive too.


I can say anything?? Hmmm.....Go Mason Nation! <---That was gay but I told you we had spirit.


i've had an awesome time at mason, i'd do it all over (maybe study more) but i like the area and the fact that there's alot of places to go around campus...hmmm, and parking sucks


Mason needs to have better food services that don't shut down on the weekends. The food is expensive and mediocer at best. A lot of the time the food employees don't get your order right and act as if they don't know what they are doing. Mason needs more fun activities. It isn't a cool and hip campus. It is great academically, but it would be so cool to have something more than a game room with pool tables. We don't even have a bowling alley. Our campus store isn't much either. We're a huge campus. We need enticing fun buildings and places to go to match the academic standards that are set.