George Mason University Top Questions

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George Mason University is a unique institution because of the fact it is the fourth most diversed school in the nation. This highly attracted me because I am a individual who appreciates men and women from all backgrounds, all cultures, and all walks of life. I love to learn from individuals different from me. We are a world of many people and the beauty we can find in it is by diversifying yourself.


its not the most fun school if you arent into binge drinkng and you actually are smart. most people here arent the brightest


Diversity. When I say diversity, I mean it in every sense of the term. On my first day of classes, I remember whispering to my friend, "Dude! This is like an international airport!" We both laughed but it really was. George Mason isn't just about different races and cultures but in every class you take, you meet people from such different walks of life. Each individual stands out and there's never a dull moment if you strike up a conversation with a random person. The opportunities are endless and each day is an experience!


George Mason University is a school that is close to the D.C. area, but it still has a suburban feeling. You can still have a home-type feeling outside of the city life in D.C.


George Mason University has about 30,000 undergraduate students; however, the campus is a decent enough size to walk from one end to the other in 15 minutes. It is a big commuter school and that allows students to meet a wide range of students from on and off campus. It is right outside the nation?s capital. This allows students to feel safe but also easily capable of going into the city.


I only considered one other University; VCU. They are primarily an art school and Richmond can still fall into the category of a "college town". George Mason is unique because it is a commuter school. I think this makes it's students more independent and motivated. Most students work full time, even multiple jobs. They are eager to be there and not just students to be students. It's very motivational to know the person next to you is actually trying their hardest to be better than you.


George Mason University (GMU) offered an RN to BSN program that I could complete while still working. As a Northern Virginia Community College graduate with a AAS in Nursing, all of my credits transferred. GMU continues to have a wonderful reputation. It is for that reason that I chose to return to GMU and received my MSN in Nursing Administration in May of 2009. GMU is one of the larger universities in Virginia, yet it feels like a small school. I wanted to feel like a person and not a number. I am a member of the Mason Nation.


George Mason is a miniture U.N. You are exposed to so many different people and cultures and it helped to enhance my education. I was able to meet with people I would have never be able to meet otherwise. Another plus is that Mason is very close to the Nations Capitol which is full of useful places like the National LIbrary and any one of the many Smithsonian museums there. Mason continues to get better as time goes by. The programs, staff, and the students who are there make it excellent institution.


Probably the MOST DIVERSE school anybody could ever go to. I think it's awesome. And some professors, like Dr. Cindy Parker, are beyond helpful and caring towards their students. School is great.


My school has a diverse community of people, and I feel like I can expand my cultural boundaries. I also feel like it has cultavated a love of learning in me, and that is something that is really special. Mason has the advantages of a big school with the closeknit community of a small school. Furthermore, the school of dance is especially stellar. Their teacher's are extremely accessible and eager to teach, the whole department is like a family, and everyone is eager to dance and learn. Lastly, I was attracted to Mason's location near Washington, D.C.