George Mason University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about George Mason University!


Being so close to DC but still so affordable is a major reason to decide to go to GMU.


It gives so much more than I ever expected.


I thought that this school would have much more to offer with its close proximity to Washington D.C. but this school is only here to make the most money and give the lowest education possible.


What is unique about my school is how diverse it is. There are so many kinds of people that anyone and everyone is welcomed to the campus. The school is very welcoming to different cultures and ways of life and really tries to embrace that. I believe it is on of the top if not the most diverse school in America.


The biggest thing that Mason has is it's diversity. There are so many people from so many different places. It's hard NOT to fit in.


I believe its transformation from a very small university to the largest in Virginia makes Mason different. As a child, I watched Mason transition from a couple of small buildings to multiple, large buildings and entertainment centers, a movie theater, and multiple food establishments all on campus.


It offers both a BFA in Game Design and a BS in Applied Comupter Science with a concentration in Game Design. It is close enough to my home that I don't have to reside on campus, but it is far enough away from home that staying on campus makes sense. I liked that the campus is compact with instructional buildings in the center of campus and housing was on the perimeter of campus. A car is not needed. There are shuttles to connect you to local shopping centers and regional transit system.


The most unique thing about George Mason University is that it is full of all types of diversity, whether it is racial, ethnic, or social. There is a huge population of international students including those from Africa, Saudi Arabia, India, and China. There is also an active community of individuals at George Mason with all types of disabilities, whether it is a learning or physical disability. The religious beliefs present on campus are also very diverse, including Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, and Agnosticism, to name a few. Thus, if one is looking for diversity, George Mason is the place to be.


George Mason University gives the students a better chance for opportunities because it's so close to the Washington D.C. area. The level of jobs and internships is higher as well. I also loved that Mason makes there students feel as though they are home, no one feels left out, there is always something for everyone to do.


I love that the school is located so close to the Nation's Capital. I also like that they offer a lot of flexibility in their course times and locations (opperating at three different campuses in the area). The campus is beautiful and there seem to be a lot of great cultural and sporting events happening all the time as well.