George Mason University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


There are sororities, political organizations, sports clubs and clubs of other interests on campus including religion affiliated clubs. I am affiliated with a religious club organization. I don't know about dorm students. I think theatre is very popular i have been to some. I think people party a lot.


What are the most popular groups/organizations/clubs/teams on campus? i'm gonna guess sororities/ basketball, at least that's what i automatically think of when i think of campus organizations Tell us about a group you’re involved with. ROTC Do students in dorms leave their doors open? i did when i lived there if i was just hanging out, ppl on your dorm floor are always a source of entertainment How popular are athletic events? Guest speakers? Theater? pretty popular, we have the patriot center right there, there's usually something going on Tell us about the dating scene. it's happening i guess How did you meet your closest friends? ROTC, a class here and there If you’re awake at 2am on a Tuesday, what are you doing? studying or watching comedy central at home What traditions/events happen each year? mason day How often do people party? the norm, and those with no classes on a friday...a little more than norm :) How important are fraternities/sororities? they don't matter to me What did you do last weekend? most of the days consisted of work, go out and drink, repeat What can you do on a Saturday night that doesn’t involve drinking? definitely going to gym, bowling's always fun, dinner with friends, going to the movies, just staying in and watching tv What do you do off campus? i live in an apartment, so i work to pay the rent on that


GMU makes a very good attempt to keep people involved and informed of events. Sometimes events are really great and sometimes people just don't tkae to them. I find that the athletics really completed my GMU experience. The openness of club sports to take in and train new members really gave me some great opportunities. I can honestly say that my life would be significantly different with out some of the athletic activities.


The Frats and Soroties. Students do leave their doors open in the dorms a lot. The dorm area can be very inviting. Everyone is looking for a chance to party. Mason really cracks down on it though. On one hand the security is great, on the other hand I know that many dorm residents feel hindered, like they can't have a good time in the dorm because of noise or any other number of things. You essentially have to go off campus to party. Mason isn't the livliest of campus's. During the winter it's not really fun to be on campus. If I have fun on campus it's usually hanging out with friends in a dorm. In the summer everyone stays out and stays up. Lots of walking around, going places, enjoying the summer weather.