George Mason University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


Social life is very bland because all of VA is pretty bland.


I'm involved with The Ethiopian Student Association, I am the vice president and have been on the exec board for 3 years. I love my organization, we always have fun and annually meet our goals.


*socially, george mason has few on campus activities that happen after 9 o'clock. there are few traditions and closeness between the students besides the people that have already bonded at events off-campus


I don't know too much about Mason activities, because I work a lot and don't get involved in the Mason clubs and groups. It does seem that they offer a wide variety of groups to choose from.


George Mason offers many clubs for students and allows students to create clubs that may not already exist. This allows for a lot of room for involvement in the Mason community. Mason also offers fraternities that are engaged in social programs.


I do not consider myself a social person, I am more focused on my studies.


I have no social life ... im married


I don't live on campus so I don't know what goes on when I am not here. But there's a good presence of Greek Life here and they do a lot on campus and you see their letters everywhere. Ethnic clubs are also abundant due to our diversity. Basketball games are pretty much the most popular athletic event. All the other sports are not worthy. The people I hang out with at school are mostly people I've known since high school plus mutual friends. We just sit around in the JC and make fun of people.


At Mason, your either in a Frat/Sorority or you play a Sport.... Students in dorms leave their doors open until you have a problem with stealing and then you are pretty concious of who is around, when your leaving your door open or unlocked. I met my closest friends through playing Lacrosse. If im awake @ 2am on a tuesday, im either drunk or studying.


offers all kinds of clubs/activities for different interests