George Washington University Top Questions

What are the academics like at George Washington University?


Classes at GW really vary depending on which specific school you are and what year in college you are. From my experience, freshman year I had my largest classes. These classes were mostly intro courses which had maybe 150 or so students. At times it was difficult having such large lectures, but GW supplements these lectures with smaller recitation sections once a week. The recitation will usually have no more than 25 students in it. Also, every professor that I have ever had prides themselves on being easily accessible to their students. Most professors even put their cell phone numbers on the syllabus they hand out the first day of class. If you make an effort and go to office hours then the large lecture hall professors will be sure to know your name. As far as smaller classes go, most professors will learn your name after just a few class sessions. One of the best things about the education offered at GW is that professors are the only ones who teach the classes. The teaching assistants are only there to run recitation sections, which reinforce topics already learned in class. I am in the School of Business and am majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in International Business. The students in the business school are probably some of the most competitive group of kids that I have ever met. They work hard inside and outside of the classroom. The majority of business school courses require class participation as well as working in groups. One of the best classes that I have taken so far was Information Systems Technology, mainly because of our professor. The entire class was centered around class participation as well as group work, all of which built up to the final class project- finding a solution to a current business problem. This class promotes competitiveness amongst classmates as the group with the best idea is entered into a competition against other section groups. The education that GW offers is focused on helping its students find jobs after graduation.


Classes at GW really vary depending on which specific school you are and what year in college you are. From my experience, freshman year I had my largest classes. These classes were mostly intro courses which had maybe 150 or so students. At times it was difficult having such large lectures, but GW supplements these lectures with smaller recitation sections once a week. The recitation will usually have no more than 25 students in it. Also, every professor that I have ever had prides themselves on being easily accessible to their students. Most professors even put their cell phone numbers on the syllabus they hand out the first day of class. If you make an effort and go to office hours then the large lecture hall professors will be sure to know your name. As far as smaller classes go, most professors will learn your name after just a few class sessions. One of the best things about the education offered at GW is that professors are the only ones who teach the classes. The teaching assistants are only there to run recitation sections, which reinforce topics already learned in class. I am in the School of Business and am majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in International Business. The students in the business school are probably some of the most competitive group of kids that I have ever met. They work hard inside and outside of the classroom. The majority of business school courses require class participation as well as working in groups. One of the best classes that I have taken so far was Information Systems Technology, mainly because of our professor. The entire class was centered around class participation as well as group work, all of which built up to the final class project- finding a solution to a current business problem. This class promotes competitiveness amongst classmates as the group with the best idea is entered into a competition against other section groups. The education that GW offers is focused on helping its students find jobs after graduation.


All of my professor know my name because myself and many GWU students make and effort to reach out to our professors. My Favorite class is stress management she does her best to make sure we are not stressed. GWU students have great time management, they buckle down on school work during the week and have fun on the weekends. GWU makes an effort to create a relationship between faculty and students and even offer a "Have lunch with your professor program"


Academics here are good (I mean, we are a top 50 school) and one of the best things are the professors who are all professionals in their field (and often, super big wigs!). But honestly, GWU is all about the resume and your experience outside of the classroom. Luckily, professors get that and through classes I have gone to speakers and lectures all around the city and done projects like a police ride along. Professors always give real world examples, show how things apply, and steer away from purely theoretical. People are smart, but this isn't a place for someone who wants to be in the library all day. Instead, hone your debate skills to argue/discuss politics and current issues when you least expect it. I've gotten into discussions about topics such as gender roles and genocide on a Friday night over drinks many a time. People may not be academics per se, but they are open to an intellectual chat just about any time.


Professors don't care about the students.


Everyone here parties hard, yet somehow is very smart. Almost everyone has scholarship money to attend. Also, this is a school where people pretend they're stupid or don't understand but then walk out of the classrooms with As.


Class sizes here tend to be small and taught by good professors. Many of them have real-world experience which helps a lot (my intro to stats professor works for the government doing statistics for them) and they are able to apply it meaningfully to the course. I'm an exercise science major and couldn't be happier. The major is a serious study of human anatomy and physiology (not the "jock major") taught by excellent professors who really take a personal interest in each students education. It's a great pre-med major.


Students study a good amount, probably more than state schools, but less than ivy league kids. Class participation varies depending on class sizes. The bigger the class, the less participation you tend to see. Intellectual conversations definitely take place outside class, but it is not very common when people are going out. Students are not very competitive as undergrads. My major is accountancy in the business school. GW's education, although pricey, is very good.


Professors know my name in all of my classes except a 300 person lecture. In general introductory classes are larger and it is easy to stay under the radar. In upper level classes, you start having fewer and fewer students per class. Gw students definitely have intelllectual conversations outside of class, however you have to know the right students. some students just care about drinking and getting by with their 2.0 and daddy's money.


I would like more professors to speak english and have PHD's