To all the students and parents of students planning to attend college make sure that when chosing a school you take your time. Go see different campuses and take tours. The only way that you will truly know if the school is right for you is to be on the campus and see what campus life is like first hand. Secondly, do your research on the school. Each school caries different majors so make sure the school you are looking at caries the major you are interested in.
In order to make the best out of you college experience get involved! Most schools have a lot of different on campus activities, so even if you do not live on campus find an activity that fits your interests and dive into it! Go to sporting events and get to know different people. By doing these things you will surely have a great, memorable college experience.
Pick the college that is similar to your style of living. If you have lived in a metropolitan city all your life, then pick a college with that similar charateristics.
To parents I would say sit down with your student and help that the best way you can by giving support and advice where you can. It is not easy to pick the perfect school, not many people can but as long as you are there to support and do what you can to help your student theire experience at whatever school they go to will be increased. To students I would say do your research and make sure you know what you are looking for in a University or college. Just because a school has a big name does not necessarily mean that it will be the best school for you. It depends on your interests and your personal study habits. Take college visits and talk to everyone you can about what their college experience was like, what they liked about it and what they disliked. Finding that perfect fit takes work but in the end it will be worth it.
Go to a school that offers a huge variety of majors and programs. That way if you change your mind about your intended major, you have a lot to choose from later on. Transferring is a bit complicated, but sometimes worth it. If you know you do not want to be affiliated with the greek organizations on campus, do not attend a school whose primary social involvement stems from greek life. You will find yourself disappointed if you do :o)
Start your planning process early and possibly even visit the schools that you plan on attending. Parents be involved in the process but understand that it is the students decision at the end, the most important thing a parent can do is be supportive in their childs decision and let them know that they will back them up in whatever they chose to do. Also check with the degrees that the schools offer because a school may not have exactly what you are looking for as a major. Take your SAT early and even take the ACT because its cheaper and its easier. Also know what the schools GPA requirements are plus if there are any special tests you have to take. Make the most out the college experience is not about partying all the time but more about networking and doing interns to help you find out if what you chose as your major is really what you want to do. Get involved in organizations that can help time go by plus get you support from others if you need. And long as you stay focused and do your best you will do great and enjoy you college experience.
Go where you want to go. Don't worry about following in your parents footsteps if you don't want to. Hang out with your roommates and really get to know them. Do not join a sorority or fraternity in your first semester. It is way too much to handle, and a lot of times, they don't really keep your best interest at heart, so you have to attend everything...parties and such that can really pull down your GPA in just one semester.
find a college that has a great financial aid program as well as housing
In my opinion, I would go to the toughest college that I could possibily get into. One that is known to be very academically challenging. I think that it is also important to consider a school that has a high level of school spirit and loyality among its students, staff, and alumni. A school with a high level of loyalty among its community typically has all of the infrastructure in place to offer a memorable college experience. Mix that with quality academics and you will not regret your decision.
Start by looking for scholarships-- you might be able to attend more colleges than you think! But be sure to find somewhere you are comfortable going.
Finding the right colege is a very personal experience. You have to find the right fit. Some colleges may be prestigious and well known, but they might not offer what you need as a student. Look through the glossy covers of brochures, but know that they do not tell the whole story of the campus. For that you must visit. Take the tours and talk with students, but also walk around and get the feel of the campus. Your gut feeling is a very important part of this decision. If you feel uncomfortable in school, how can you expect to thrive there for the next four years of your life?