To find the right college, I highly recommend you determine what major you would like to pursue. Next, find the schools that specialze in that field and apply to all of them. This will give you options in case you do not get in to your first choice. Try to ask relatives if they know about the schools or if they know someone that went to one of them. This is a great way to learn about things the schools will not tell you.
For getting the most out of college, walk in to class on the first day and sit next to someone. Ask them if you are in the right class and then ask them their major or tell them yours. This is a quick and easy way to make friends or at least get a study buddy. After class, introduce yourself to the professor and explain why you took their course. If you get to know them, they will generally try to help you more. This comes in handy if you need assistance with your grade.
College will be highly difficult and stressful a lot of the time. Finding a college with a good social atmosphere is very important. However, do not let that be your only deciding factor. Most of the students you start your freshman classes with at college will not be there the next semester let alone year. So, while you should find a nice social scene, be mindful that the primary reason you are attending college is to learn and recieve a degree. Emerge yourself into extra activities in order to keep your sanity, but always attend your classes and read the textbooks. When choosing a college, think about what kind of atmosphere you would prefer to be in. If you prefer a more rural scene, go out to the college town where there is nothing other than the school and the fraternities. If you prefer a more diverse, city landscape, go to a college in the heart of a major city. Just think heavily upon which area you would be more comfortable in because it is extremely costly and difficult to change colleges once you start your academic career.
Go on as many college visits possible and speak to as many students attending the college that is being visited as possible.
Allow yourself to explore a diversity of subjects and different environments. High school can give you a good understanding of what you are interested in but there is nothing more assuring than actually going out and exploring what really grabs your attention and makes you want to learn and to grow as a person. Just making good grades in particular subjects is not good enough, passion and curiosity are just as crucial!
When considering a college, it is most important that you pick a school that will do the most for you and whatever major you want to pursue. You should also consider what learning environment you think would be best for you to learn in; whether it is a traditional or city campus. Next you should consider the financial aspects of the colleges or universities under consideration. Check to see what kinds of financial programs or scholarships they have available for you. Last but definately not least, you should scout out the campus and locate certain social organizations or activities that you would like to participate in while you're in school. These activities can be on campus or off campus. Oh, remember to have fun!
Make sure you visit the school and try to find an opportunity to sit in on an average class. Spend a full day on campus if possible.
Georgia State is a big school byt dont let that get to you or your student because the teachers act like the school is a small one with small classes and lots of activities
Be honest with yourself about what you want to achieve. Do not try to fit with a certain school's definition of success, if that definition does not coincide with your interests. Try to find a school that shares your philosophy and will help you grow into the adult you want to be. Do not necessarily kill yourself trying to make absolutely perfect grades. Sometimes you learn more when you make a mistake. Taking a mistake in stride and learning from it is one of the most valuable skills a person can have. Get to know your professors, particularly if you are very interested in the subject matter. Be honest with your professors if you are concerned about anything. If they know you care about the class, they will usually try to help you as much as they can. Be involved, no matter what "involved" means to you. Involve yourself in academic activities...other organizations. The most important thing to remember about college is that it is about what you want to make of yourself. For the first time you are totally in charge of yourself, and if you are honest with yourself you will succeed.
Begin your search early, and really research every option. Sometimes you can only go to the college that is the most convenient, even if it isnt your first choice. Where you go does not matter, it is how well you do with the material that is presented to you. Even if you do go to an excellent, expensive school, it doesnt mean anything if you do not excel. Its better to go to a "lesser" school and make A's than to go to Dartmouth and make B's and C's. Besides grades, it is also important to get involved in campus life immediately. Dont wait to join a club, do it now so that you can get a good social footing. Most importantly, just have a good time, relax, do well, and make it through the four years without getting kicked out.
Shop around, more expensive does not mean better.