Gonzaga University Top Questions

Describe the students at Gonzaga University.


Classmates are friendly and eager to help to ensure success for all.


Everyone at this school is determined to do the best to their own ability, they thrive on challenges and know how to work together, and finally they are able to be innovative with their thinking and create new ways of accomplishing similar tasks.


My classmates are very intelligent and for the most part very kind and outgoing; because of the small size of our school, we have already started to form a strong community.


All of my classes are online so my experience is limited.


Friendly, well-meaning and driven individuals who find comfort in the familiar and in a community with which they can feel a part of.


As a Califronian resident, I have always been surrounded by a diverse community. Attending to Gonzaga that was one of my fears, not being accepted. Gonzaga's diversity is low, and I was surrounded by a lot of white people, which sometimes can frighten you. But I was proved wrong, in Gonzaga all the students are friendly and kind. Everyone smiles at you as you walk by, if you start a random conversion with some stranger they reply to you. The community is so tight, that everyone feels welcome, I know I was.


My classmates are mostly friends who are curious to learn and unafraid to participate and speak their minds.


Classmates are generally friendly and study groups are common.

People who value their education and find giving back to the community or service related activities important.


I feel like my classmates are all similar to me, in that they are attending Gonzaga to get a great education and to discover a learning experience away from home, that allows a person to grow through independent experiences in life.