I like the science club but I dd not have a good experience relating to people outside my major. But there are lots of ways to be involved. so many people are so active in so many activities that it is a little intimidating if you have a timid personality.
If you go to GU, you're more than likely white. We have a few Middle Eastern kids on exchange programs, and a handful of black kids (aka the basketball team), but that's about it. It's not like other races aren't welcome at GU, they apparently just choose to go elsewhere. Honestly with the long, cold, and boring winters we have, I can't say that I blame them. Everyone seems to get along at GU, though. I've never seen racial violence or anything like that. Most of the students wear your typical Abercrombie, Hollister, American Eagle-type clothing. Some people sport the anarchy or gangster look, which is retarded cuz they're going to a private college. But uniforms aren't required, and you can even bust out with the sweats and wife beater in class if you're the lazy type.
Most students here come from rich religious families. There are a lot of house parties full of people with popped collars. You won't see much diversity racially or religiously but, more importantly, there is no diversity of ideas or attitudes. It's just a bunch of preppy white kids trying to be as mediocre as possible in class in order to look like stereotypical college assholes on the weekends.
Gonzaga's student body is pretty well diverse. I have yet to witness a confrontation based on race, sexual preference, gender, religion or anything else. The students get along wonderfully and when clubs have fundraisers to help raise awareness or help a cause whether it's racial, religious, socio-economic, gender, sexual preference or something else the student body really comes together to support that club and that cause. The student body may be honest and practical but they have hearts of gold and we all stick together for the common good.
I chose Gonzaga because of the close-knit community feel, and I definitely experienced that through the students.
The Gonzaga student body tends to be mainly white, thin, and from economically stable families. Most of the students are from Washington, Oregon, California, and Alaska; however their are students from all over the US and international students as well. Most students wear fairly casual clothes year round; i.e. American Eagle, Northface, and Jeans. Uggs are a must. The political atmosphere is fairly apathetic and non-existent as students would prefer to stand in line for basketball tickets than to stand in line to vote.
Although Gonzaga makes and effort to espouse diversity, it is a Catholic school through-and-through. Do not come to Gonzaga if you are unconfortable discussing Christianity and Catholicisim in the classroom. Do not.
Most of the students at Gonzaga are like the same person, outdoorsy, smart, from a pretty well off family, friendly.. it seems like a lot come from private schools too. I think all people would be welcomed at Gonzaga, except I could see some not fitting in completely. I think for the most part this is a pretty conservative campus as well.
Gonzaga is lacking in diversity, diversity issue are being talked about and are trying to be improved but there is still a lot of work to do, students are mostly white upper middle class, most people are laid back and dress is casual