Gonzaga University Top Questions

Describe the students at Gonzaga University.


I think that GU is pretty mixed socio-economically, but there are a lot of upper middle class white people here. There are diversity groups on campus and the Hawaiian Pacific Islanders group and the Filipino American Student Union are very active on campus. I think that people from a very liberal place would feel a bit disappointed, since most of the students on campus are conservatives. Most students are from WA and OR, and there are a lot of really wealthy kids on campus, but also a lot without any money.


I am a distance degree student so I wear my pajamas most of the time, I do not know what others are wearing when they are "in class". This question does not apply to my situation very well.


Gonzaga is not diverse at all, but I am not aware of discrimination of any sort taking place here. Most people are really nice and friendly. Students are always excited to work together both in class and in extracurricular organizations. I think this attitude comes from the school being so small.


There are people of many races and backgrounds, but the most dominant by far is white, upper-middle class (ie: have lots of money). Gonzaga has really good scholarships for those of us with no money though. There are many people who are politically active in almost everything. Social justice is really huge. Sometimes there is a huge lack of dialogue though and people can be offensive and disrepectful of other people's views. This is not a majority though and can primarily be seen in just a few people who are truly activists, but seem to think the rights they are pushing for should restrict that rights of other sides. There is usually respectful interaction between students though.


Most of the students at Gonzaga have the same outlook on life. Most are Christian or Catholic, upper-class, so they have similar upbrinings and views. And like every school there are social groups as well. There are the athletes (who only hang out with other athletes), the art students, the hippies, and student government (aka the students involved in everything). Everyone has their group of friends, but there are some stereotypical groups as well. No one wouldn't let you into their "group," but pepole tend to stick to their group. When it comes to diversity, there's not a lot. But everyone it active in some way. Since it's an election year, many are involved in the election. And the student body is diverse in who they support. It's not an overly liberal or conservative student body, even though the campus is conservative.


Pretty homogenous. A typical 'Gonzaga Girl' is a really skinny blonde, wearing way to much make-up and the latest clothing trend.


Mostly white wealthy people. But there are some from other classes too.


There are a lot of white students, and there appears to be a lot of rich students, however, this is not true - there is a good socio-economic balance between those who are really rich and those who are here on financial aid. Most of the students are from the west coast (California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana) However, whenever we meet a student from somewhere really far away, the south or the east coast, students get excited - its fun to meet people from different places. What is great about Gonzaga is that all students interact with each other. There is not a lot of snobbery here, and those students who are snobs tend to have only a small circle of friends because people do not want to hang out with them. Gonzaga students are really friendly in general. Students are really casual and laid back. It is rare for people to get dressed up - Jeans and a tee-shirt are normal attire and if you are walking through campus during morning class times you will see many students in sweats.


As i was saying slightly earlier, the diversity on campus is there. There is no discrimination for any of these groups, they are all represented on campus.


The student body at GU is extremely friendly. There is no much racial range which can be disappointing. Everyone on campus is very supportive of each individual and you can always find your nitch.