Gonzaga University Top Questions

Describe the students at Gonzaga University.


We are a unified community and care about everyone on campus. Everyone knows everyone around campus either by living with them or through classes.


There are few politically active Gonzaga students. We're not activists here at GU. Generally, the students have political opinions, but they are not very active, and sometimes they are not very informed. There are probably more liberals than conservatives, but I would say that the majority are centrists on either side.


Gonzaga is very tolerant and accepting of any race, religion, or culture. Most of the students are from the Washington, Oregon, and Southern California areas. Students share the same experiences and are able to bond and grow together. There are plenty of opportunities and events for all types of people from halo tournaments to intramurals and the sports teams. All the students are open and want to get to know one another and continue the college experience.


No diversity, and generally love to just get drunk in their dorm rooms and not go out, not an exciting group of people. However you will make some great friends on account of all the boredom.


Student body is really representative and when we have vote week I can really see that people want to be a part of it. Most Bulldogs are from Washington but there is a pretty good mix. Most students dress extremely professional and are integrated both by gender and race.


Despite the fact that Gonzaga's exterior appears to be a really socially conservative school, all groups are represented. We do have a gay-straight alliance group on campus which is very active in student life. There are also just a full spectrum of campus organizations that deal with race and religion. Students here are moderatly politically active - there have been known to be on campus debates, we have a really active debate team. I do think the student body is right leaning when it comes to politics. Most of Gonzaga's student body is from the Pacific Northwest in the Idaho, Washington, Oregon category. Tons of students also come from California.


My experiences have been positive with all of them. I think a transfer student from another school who has to live off campus like I did would feel out of place. I had to live off campus because I was a transfer junior student and Gonzaga didn't have anywhere for me to stay other than one of it's houses off campus. It was extremely difficult to meet people...it took me about a whole semester to actually meet people my own age. I was thrown in with the freshman during their welcome week and I felt like that was a little inappropriate. I was over all of that and I was thrown in with a bunch of kids straight out of high school. Lame! Students wear clothes to class. Dining hall...Crew team, skateboarders, knights, loud freshmen. Most of Gonzaga students are from WA., OR., CA.. Middle class is the most prevalent maybe even upper-middle class. Students are somewhat politically aware although most of them are very liberal left wingers.


The student body at Gonzaga encompasses students from all over the country and the entire world, there are many exchange students that are welcomed in the student body from everyone. The only people that are out of place are the small groups of asian people whom I have never seen speaking english. Cliques are no where near as common as they were in high school. People just hang out.


The typical Gonzaga student is: white, middle class, business major, parties one night a week, is somewhat liberal, plays at least one intramural, shops at Nordstroms, is involved in some sort of club or organization, participates in service, is nice, outgoing, and intellectual, and will end up meeting their future spouse here (70{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} do!). The campus is opening it's doors to being more diverse, and I feel like there is no difference that is really not excepted (though if you are ethnically different, LGBT, or not Christian, you may find it hard to find people like you). Different types of students interact all the time, except for students from different cultures studying abroad who tend to stick together. The dining hall is a great experience, and I always know one third of the people really well, have met or interacted with another third, and have yet to meet the final third. It's a great breakdown.


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