Grambling State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Grambling State University know before they start?


If I could go back and could talk to my high school self I would definitely tell myself not to go into college with a cocky attitiude because it is a completely different experience from highschool. That bit of information could have drastically changed my whole college experience for the better. As a high school student I was always ahead of the game and I did not have to work too hard to maintain that esteemed postion. I was awarded an academic scholarship and out of state fee waiver to Grambling State, but because of my cockiness I did not obtain these awards for very long. I felt as I did in HIgh School thinking everything was going to come easy and I would not have to work hard for it. That was the biggest mistake I ever made, I lost my scholarship and waiver at the end of that semester, and I am still paying for that imbellic mistake to this day.


I would definitely tell myself to save more as money goes so quickly as a college student. Being in college especially an hbcu is very challenging as the environment is so different to anything I have ever been exposed to and one must be in the right frame of mind to be successful. It's important to stay focused on the goals you want to achieve and work as hard as necessary to achieve them, no excuses!






Please stay focused and keep up with good grades so your GPA stays high. Get major involved with community programs to receive awards so it will look better on college applications.


Go beyond what you are learning in class. Ask questions and study, study, study. You will need a great study habit in college. If you don't, then it will be very hard to adjust when you have tons of work piled on your plate. Keep your grades up and don't worry about the senior events. They will come soon enough. Until then keep focused on your work and then you can enjoy the fun.


if i could go back i would tell myself to really be focused when i start college. The first year some students don't take it seriously. That would be the first thing i would tell myself. And I would tell myself to never wait til the last minute to do everything. Waiting til the last minute to do things can really get u behind. Even precrastinating with homework and projects could get you behind. Its always best to do things ahead of time just incase something happens. You never know whats going to happen. Some teachers add things and you have to be ready for anything. Also i would tell my self to make extra copies of your work. At colleges teachers have so many students and its very easy to get papers mixed up. So its always best to make copies. Thats basically it.


The most important advice would be to pay attention. Learn from the mistakes of others rather than making the same mistakes yourself. Love who you are, be content with the road you have chosen, regardless of what others may say. Believe in yourself, do not wait for others to believe in you first. Be proud, be confident, be strong. Admitt fault, take responsibility. Be honest above all with yourself, but never forget truth and trust with others. Understand that who you see in the mirror far exceeds what others think they say in you. Keep your head held hide. Failure can lead to success. Hold on to the lessons you have learned, as they will save you from having to repeat the same lesson again down the road. Life is not meant to live alone; live a life that others will be proud to share in. Hope is a good thing, never let it go... ever. Hold on to the dream, or build a new dream. Build a path even it is a small step at a time to that dream. Moving forward regardless of of how slow it appears, will always conquer falling backwards. You always have a choice.


I would tell myself, that you have to be very organized. College life moves very fast and the professors do not baby you like some high school teachers do. You have to study hard and you can't play around and it's your decission to stay focus, the training wheels are off. It's all on you to be the best and past.


My advice to myself would be to save my money. Not to buy everything i want just to buy everything i need. If I'm offered a scholarship to take it seriously and to not fool around because it can easily be taken away from me. To study more because your definitely going to need it being a Biology Major. Do not pledge a sorority when your taking a real difficult class, because in the end you'll fail the class. Experience college to its fullest, Go more places and see more things. Don't let your shyness hold you back from doing anything. Accept yourself for who you are and never let anyone change you. Try more new things and seize every opportunity