In the assumption of being able to go back to my senior year of high school I woud advice my self to learn a studying technique that works best for me, do not be afraid to ask for help when you really need it. Working for the best grades and not just the minimum will be the best choice. Listen to your guidence counselor scholarships are needed. Talk to older teens about what college is really like, in regards to what kind of people to be careful around, and to set morals and standards for your self. I would also encourage my self to step away from the crowd of friends I chose to hang around, working towards my college education was more important. I learned that the friends you choose you are more likely to become like them. Goin to college will be a fresh start to apply all of those desires. Do not be afraid of change it is for the best. This is your senior year things will not get any easier it is time to mature and began to make the right choices for your future. Keep God first and let him lead your path.
The biggest thing I can advise is to not be afraid to go out and talk to people. Learn how to communicate what you want, and do not be afraid to go out and ask someone how to get it, where to go to get it, or for help to get it. If you are doing poorly in a class, ask your professor what you can do to catch up. If you do not know what courses to take for your major, or even what major you want to pursue, ask an advisor. Even in a small community college, there will be someone who's job it is to help, or can at least point you in the right direction. There is no reason to be afraid of talking to people if you are confused and full of questions, because if you do not have the answer, someone will. If you do not ask, you cannot get an answer to your question.
If i could travel in time to talk to myself as a senior I would tell myself to get ready to take on more responsibilities which you couldn't imagine. I would tell myself that with a college degree the sky is the limit and achieving that dream job wouldn't be much of a task. Networking plays a key role in succeeding in college, if you don't have good networking/communication skills it can be difficult to perform tasks which may require the outlook of an outside source. Saving money is very important when going away from home funds tend to deplete as the days and weekends roll into each. First priority are your books and materials for class and then the usual needs which are required for everyday living. Always remember your in college for your future well being don't allow your social life to become an distraction in your studies.
I would have applied for my scholarships, so I would not have had to take out as much loans as I did. I would not change my University for nothing in the world. The people here are very friendly. I have learned much from the many different diverisities here at Grambling State University. This is a school where everybody is somebody. I was foster child since the age of four years old and during the times when students would return home for the holidays such as the Christmas break my University allowed me to stay on campus free of charge. I mean they really care for the students and are willing to do whatever it is in their power to get all proper help for students.
The Successful College Preparation Recipe
*Middle school read about careers and personal arrears of interest
*Look for volunteer opportunties in the community
*High School work part time if possible in the environment/field that interest you as a future career
*Enroll in early college while in high school and gain credit for college.
*Or look for and enroll in summer programs at other universities that offer special camps or courses in the field that you plan to study while in college.
*Search and apply for scholarships while in high school
*Look for ways to develop writing and public speaking skills
*Begin early preparation for Act and Sat set a goal for the highest possible score(prep courses etc..)
* Excel academically honor roll throughout high school
*Look for opportunties to develop leadership skills (student government organizatios etc)
*Set long range and short term goals
*Plan to visit the campus of your top choices
*Prepare an agenda for your visit.
*Write to the university and request appointments prior to your visits, request to sit in during one or more classes
*Meet department staff
* Have lunch with other students
* Research the school be prepared to ask questions and engage in authenic conversation
Don't feel pressured to make an immediate decission in your choice of careers being that you have many interests. Take your time , feel it out and be certain the career you choose is what you want. Do your best in whichever major you decide because grades do matter and they're a reflection of you.
Go interview people in the career fields you are interested in pursuing so you can be sure about your choice in major. Do not get influenced by how others perceive your choice of major and classes. Don't be afraid to try new things and meet people from different backgrounds than yourself. Always be aware that there are peers, alumni, and those in the community who you can network with to help you achieve your goals in life. Try to always be on your best behavior because you never know who is watching and who might offer you a job in the future. College is about working hard and learning to achieve your academic and career goals but don't forget to participate in campus activities and enjoy your college experience.
I came to college and found out who I really am. Before Grambling I was shy, quite girl with no goals and no self worth but only after two years of being here I have blossomed into a confident, self appreciating and outspoken young black woman. Grambling State has taught me how to do things and how to handle business on my own. Before Grambling I always had someone else to speak up for me but now I am not afraid to ask my own questions and get my own answers. Grambling taught me that only I can handle my business the way it needs to be done.
I shutter to think where I would be if I did not make the decision to come to Grambling State. The small classroom size was perfect for me to gain the confidence I needed to go and ask my teachers questions. The different diversities on campus allowed me to experience different cultures and sexual orientations without having to step foot off campus. The helpful staff and students showed me that I wanted to persue an education in a field where I can help others, such as nursing.
Throughout my college experience I have realized many things that are very valuable in everyday life. Most importantly, I have realized that nothing is easy, and I’m not speaking about my education itself. After attending community college for about three years I have concluded that no one in the administrative department knows what’s going on. Therefore, I have had to figure everything out for myself- despite the fact that the people who are employed at the college should have some idea of what’s going on. I believe this is metaphor for the real world. Sometimes in life, despite being told by professionals what is the best thing to do, you must take it upon yourself to do the research yourself and figure out what is best. Overall, attending community college has taught me the sad truth- that the education system is based mostly on money, rather than the goal of educating and furthering the students. However, I am glad I learned this valuable lesson early, because now I am more prepped for continuing my education at a four-year university.
The college experiences I have had have be benefiting to me because they prepare me for when I will be on my own. By being on my own rather than with my parents, I make my own choices and handle my own problems. The college that I have been attending helps me experience the feelings of my race. I plan to be a leader of my race in the future, so I will need to know their thoughts in order to know how to lead them.