Ensure that you discover an institution that will provide you with the best educational experience. Also, serving the commnity and campus involvement displays character and the ability to balance more than one task. Work hard, play later. Take advantage of every opportunity because you never know if it will happen again. Value your education! Never put a price on the value of a long term investment that will eventually pay off.
Go to a school that you want to go to not one that all of your friends are intrested in! make the best of your college experiences!
For parents/ or students trying to find the right college , the advice i would give is that you need to take time out to critical think. What i mean by that is, brainstorm, figure out the problem, and then take action. You have to figure out what will work best in your interest. Is this college going to help me prepare for success in the future, is the main characteristic you should look for in college searching. When it comes to making the most of your college experience, you need to be involved. Involvement in the campus life is extremely helpful. Knowing your peers, and having school spirit can only keep a positive effect on your social life.
My advice would be to the student to really sit down and think what type of environment they would like to spend the next four years of their life. Whether it's a big university in a small town or city, or a small university in a small town or small city. Once that is realized the student should decide how far they would like to be away from their family, whether in state or out of state. After those important descions i would say to the parent and child to visit the schools of their choice if possible to get a feel of the school and the area it is in. Along with the visit the student and parents will be able to decide if this is the right school for them or not, its mainly a feeling one recieve that will allow them to make such an important descion. In conclusion the main thing to know is the Student needs to make the descion for themselves and only for themselves, because they have to live with that descion and the consequences it shall bring. Goodluck
I would first ask them what type of person they are. This will allow me to tell them on how they should chose the area they would be most comfortable in. I would then tell them to select a college in the area based on the type of person they are based on their social life. This will allow them to become involved in the school and love it. They should also pick a school based on the cost of the school that best fits their budget and that best fits their academics. They should also ask their self do this school provide the education they need for the filed of study they want to go into.
The advice that I would give parents or students would be to look at the cost of the university, location, and how attending that college or university would help to make their child or the student accomplish this milestone in their life. A college experience prepares an individual for their life to come and helps as an aid for future employment, so the activities and social life play an important role in the ability of becoming a well rounded individual. Make sure to research and visit the campus. Find out if the university or college have companies that come and recruit for their field of study. Regardless, of how smart a student may be, make sure that the school has a tutoring center, just incase one is ever needed. A good university produces successful and well rounded people, so I would recommend researching the success stories as well as the graduation rate of the school. Success is around the corner for the student and this is just the beginning, education and fun become one in college, so pick the college that will make this experience one that will be cherished for a lifetime.
The key thing I would tell parents and students is to plan ahead for the cost of an education. And if you have the chance to go straight out of high school, do it! There is a better chance of getting financial help then, instead of waiting.
I would tell them to make sure they visit the school and collect as much information about it as possible before making a decision. Also when the right school is chosen, see what extra-curricular activities they have and join the ones that best describe your personal character.
Parents should make sure this is the right college for their child, not just the student, and go visit the college with the student. Parents and student should just visit one college but several to make sure they make the right choice on what college they would enjoy and get a good education. When a student goes to college they should be sure that is wat they wanna do because they wouldn't wnat to waste any money. The student should also try to make friend but not just any friends. Friends that are focused and will encourage you and help you with whatever you may need help with. Just try to make the best out of your college life and do not give in to any temptations. Good Luck!!!
I feel in order to find the right college you need to know what you want to do in live first. After finding what you want to do in life you can look up different universities and colleges dealin with your career choice. You must look at where the college or university is located, what it's surround by and also how diverse it is. Another thing that would help is to go and visit the college and ask some of the students that already attend the school information about the college.