Look long and hard at each school. What made this school for me was that it stretches me where I need to be stretched but is comfortable enough that I feel welcome and able to branch out and grow. The faculty were willing to go above and beyond their positions to make sure I have the oppertunity even if the school didn't offer it. So take the time to meet with the people in the department of your major find out if you could work with them and learn from them. Also, find out as much as you can about the community of students at the school, you will get so much out of your education if you are in an environment of people who are diverse in their abilities and interestes but also have similar goals and direction as you so that you can work with them and learn from each other to reach those goals instead of feel frustrated and alone. You want to find a school that will be worth your time, effort and money. A school where you will really grow and enjoy the learning process and come away with more than a college degree.
It all depends on what experience the child is trying to gain from college. Obviously, I am more focused on my education and becoming a more well rounded human being. That is why I chose Grove City College. I am also blessed because it is a Christian College and that has deepened my faith tremendously in addition to my academics. If the child is looking for a party school, obviously Grove City isn't it, but it really all comes down to what school the child feels he or she most fits in.
Come to Grove City college :) It's an amazing school that prepares you for the rest of life. When you graduate from Grove City your set for life in almost all areas.
Most importantly, you have to choose a college that fits you. It may not be the one that is most desired by your parents, high school teachers and friends. It should, however, be one that the above groups of people will support no matter which school you choose. Be sure to visit the college before making a commitment to attend. Talk to some of the proffessors and, if possible, the head of the department. Their job is to get you to want to come to their school. If they can't do that then it is likely that it is just not the right school for you. Visit a few schools and keep your options open. Maybe the school of your choosing won't accept you and you will have to choose another one. Or maybe you will discover something about one at the last minute that would greatly influence your decision to go there.
While in school, make the most of everything you do. Classes and grades are not the most important part of education. They are very necesary and should not be taken lightly, but relationships with friends, faculty and family is much more important and long lasting.
There are several suggestions that I would offer anyone going through the college experience. The first suggestion is do your homework on the university or college. Discover what the university or college is committed to providing. This involves reading articles written about the college or university, in particular outside sources (sources not from the actual university or college itself). Next, take a tour of the college. This is the best way to determine the actual atmosphere of the college. The only way to really know the campus is to be on campus. I would recommend sitting in a class or talking to a professor at the college. Finally, talk with an admissions advisor. Ask them for an interview (if they offer such a thing) or otherwise ask for the best approach to get into the college of your choice. This is my advice for anyone going through the college experience.
Make sure to research the school and its policies thoroughly before you decide the attend the school, so that you know what you are getting yourself into. Also, research many different schools to determine which is the best fit for you. Talk to actual students at the college, as well as faculty and administration in order to get a good idea of what the people are like and what it would be like to attend the school. Don't rush into any decisions--think everything thing through before making a final choice on what school to attend. Make sure to visit the school, if at all possible, in order to be able to take in the atmosphere/environment. If you have a chance, even sit in on a class or two, to get an idea of what they may be like. Also, find out the graduation requirements of the program you are interested in, to see what you will need to do/take over the next four years. Plus, try to speak with the head of the department in the program you are interested in to find out more information about your intended major and what is involved.
Make sure that you don't go to a college just based on one factor. Examine the college in all facets. Make sure you can afford it, you like the location and it has the programs you want. Do your research and don't be afraid to ask people that go there what they think of it, that's where you get the real answers, not from the college literature. Make sure that college is a place that can impact you not just academically, but also in your personal life and help you become the person you want to be. If the college is not going to do that, then you might as well simply enter the real world and begin there. College is a time to grow up and learn, make sure the place you pick is going to help you do both, not just one or the other.
In choosing a college one of the most important things is to find a college that fits with your life-style and beliefs. At Grove City College I was able to find a niche in the school. It is a good place to get involved in many of the extra-curriculars: theatre, music, literature, the college newspaper, and Greek life are several of the things that I was able to be involved with. The teachers, also, are important in choosing a school. It is necessary to find a school where the teachers are involved and experienced in their field. They are an invaluable resource in finding a job, or advice on internships. In choosing a college the most important factor is choosing a campus that offers many extra activities so that the students may be well-rounded individuals and able to make an impact in the world.
Each student is different; therefore, not every college is a good fit for everyone. When selecting a college, make sure you take the following questions into account. What is the program like in the degree I am interested in pursuing? Do the professors offer one on one time with their students? In labs and other workshops, is the professor present, or is it run by a teaching assistant? What is the social environment like? Do the students enjoy the same activities I do? What is the religious life on campus like? How well known is my college, and is it likely that I could easily get a job upon graduation? What does the campus look like? These are all important questions to ask to see if a school is right for you. Selecting a college is an important decision, and it is important that you enjoy the school that you chose, since you will most likely be spending about four years there.
FInd the one that you like and make sure you agree with the school's philosophy. You have got to do this because the school's philosophy will be pushed on you for all four years, and you dont want to have to fight something for four years. Make sure it is the right distance away/close to home. To make the most of your get involved with groups, sports, clubs and other things on campus, you will have lots of fun. remember to meet people and make friends, you will remember these people for the rest of your life, they will become closer to you than your high school friends. And most of all just have fun, don't get stressed about things it will just make it harder.