Grove City College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Grove City College know before they start?


Go where you feel comfortable on the campus, not the name of the school.


My advice to parents and students trying to select the correct college for them would be to try to spend time just walking around the campus while class is in session and observe how the students, staff, and faculty interact with each other. Don't get me wrong, academics and extra-curriculars and values are extremely important, but so often we spend so much time focusing on a school's credentials that we forget that it has a personality as well. Remember, it is that personality you will be living with for the next four years. That is no little thing. And don't forget to make the most of your college experience! Work hard AND play often. You will regret it if you wake up after four years only to discover that younever left your dorm room or library, but never forget that you are there to learn.


Based on my own personal experience, the perfect college does not exist! The qualities that a college needs to have in order for a student to be successful will always be subjective, however there are a small number of objective necessities. First, the college should make you feel like a welcomed member. You should feel like the people who you talk to really want to see you, and that you are welcome on their campus. Second, a college should have the major that you think you are interested in studying, especially if you know that you want to study a very specialized subject. Third, the college should be a place where you think you can grow and be challenged. If you don't think that you could grow spiritually, emotionally, socially, and academically, then you should really ask yourself why you are considering that school. For parents, I would only recommend that you help your son or daughter make the college decision under whatever criteria you deem acceptable and necessary. For instance, if as parents, you are paying tuition, then you have the right to have a say in the type of college your son or daughter attends.


The best option for finding out what a college or university is really like is to do an overnight visit without your parents. This is the best way to find out what dorm life is really like on that campus and what current students do for social activities, how much and where they study, and other aspects of life on campus. Spending some time on campus will help you to find out if it really is the right school. Brochures and tour guides aren't going to give the most accurate account of social life, dorm life, political atmosphere, or academic focus. The way to find out the true nature of the college and its student body is to invest time in an overnight visit being hosted by current students. Once you've spent that time doing what students at that college do, you'll know if it's the right school for you.


Finding the right college is supremely important. This does not mean picking the school where your significant other is attending, going to the place with the best name, or going where your parents went. What is important is that you find a school where you will feel comfortable living and learning, where you will be challenged and edified. Be sure to take into account the testimony of past or current students of the school you are considering. While college websites and admissions offices mean well, they are not always the most honest means of evaluating what the school is really like. For example, if you plan on living on campus, make sure that there is stuff to do on the weekends, especially if drinking isn't your thing. Also be sure to check out the financial aid offered by each school and the policies on renewing that aid for all four years. Know whether or not your scholarship status will be affected by a change of major, GPA, or other circumstances and evaluate whether or not the criteria is feasible. When you find your dream school, apply early to ensure the best chances of acceptance and first chances at aid.


My advice is that everyone is open to new experiences and possibilities. The students have to choose the school that they feel is best suited for them, and while the parents should help in the process, they should not make the decision for the student. A student can make the most of the college experience by being involved in a variety of activities on campus. They should not be afraid to make new friends who could be different from them and to step out of their comfort zone. They should try new things but keep up their previous hobbies. They should be open-minded and willing to learn, not only in academics, but about the world and other people. One of the main things a student should do is remember they only have a couple of years, so they should make the best of their college experience.


I would say you should stay overnight, during the school year. The overnight stay should be from a Wednesday through a Sunday. You need to see how people act Wednesday night through Sunday morning. Also find out about grades and stress from a variety of students.


College is a pivotal time for students. With that in mind, students and parents should invest time in finding the right fit. College is not always about academics; many times, students form lifelong friendships. Academics are another aspect that plays a deciding factor in a student's decision. Many colleges try to impress you with flashy advertising, but one has to visit the campus and talk with students and faculty in order to gain a true feel as to what the college is really about. Religious colleges are sometimes the only type of schools that some students look into. As a result, many students lose the opportunity to see other colleges that could offer much more in terms of academic opportunities. At times though, it is better to choose something that appears less advantageous than a college that has better facilities but does not fit one's other needs.


Take plenty of time to think about your decision. Choose a school that is especially strong in the subjects you may want to study.


It doesn't necessarily matter what college you choose. Pick one that you know you can survive at, and throw yourself into campus life. A great group of friends will make any college ideal. Getting good grades is important; you're at college to learn, but remember that learning occurs outside of the classroom as well. Get involved!