Hamilton College Top Questions

Describe the students at Hamilton College.


Although diversity is small, there is large acceptance of minority and gay students- and there are definitely groups to join dedicated to promoting them. This is not a school where people wear pajamas to class, at all. Winter is North face, Uggs, expensive jeans. Summer is J Crew sundresses- but once again, no one is a snob about it. Most of the students are from Boston, Westchester, Connecticut, or New Jersey, but I know a few people from the West and South too. Politically activity is moderate at best, and people are pretty liberal.


There is a lot of diversity on campus. There are students from all over the world with different religious, racial, and economical statuses.


We have a very diverse campus and we are very into activism. Everyone fits into at least one place in Hamilton. All different types of people interact. People of different orientations, religions, races, and ages. In the dining hall, often athletes sit together after practice, but besides that, everyone sits with everyone else. Many people tend to be from the Northeast, or New England. People come from all different types of financial backgrounds. Students are very politically aware and active. They tend to be predominantly liberal, but there are all types of students.


While there is still not a great deal of racial or religious diversity on Hamiton's campus, I have come to be familiar with a vast expanse of different cultures, politics, and ways of life. What I love here is that almost any Hamilton student can walk into the dining hall alone and within minutes find friends or someone that they known to sit down and eat with. Different social groups interact and Hamilton students typically don't fit only one mold: a varsity athlete can also be a successful math major who participates in volunteer work on campus. Students are remarkably diverse in their own interests and activities.


Hamilton is a pretty liberal atmosphere politically, though for a "liberal arts" college it's really quite conservative and traditional. Hamilton is also still a primarily white school, though they're trying to change that and (I think) doing a pretty good job of it so far. Intolerance is generally frowned upon, both by the administration and by the students--people make fun of racists more than they make racist jokes.


We are awesome. There isnt alot of clumping on campus and I think thats in large part due to the size of the school.


A passive student would feel awkward at Hamilton. On campus, everyone is involved in some extracurricular activity and is making a difference somehow. People who are idle will not do well here.


The student body is a lot more diverse than people might think, given Hamilton's profile as a highly selective, small liberal arts college. Generally, everyone seems to be accepting. I haven't run into too much problems socially, but there is definitely the drama that goes hand in hand with having such a small campus.


I think that because the school is so small there are cliques and groups and that people are differentiated in that way.


Most students were sweatpants, jeans, and t-shirts to class. It's a very casual campus, but there are a bunch of students who like to be dressy most of the time. Students are very active; if you aren't on a varsity sports team, you're probably on an IM team with your dorm floor, or a frequenter at the gym, or someone who likes to run through the Glen a few times a week. Most students are from the East coast, and it's typical for racial groups to clump together. However, I still don't feel like there is a student who could feel out of place at Hamilton. Anyone would be able to feel a connection to someone, because differing opinions are welcomed greatly, that's what makes the community so vibrant.