I would say there is a place for everyone on the campus. Everyone can find their particular niche.
I associate with many politically active groups of students, so I encounter a lot of people with very strong interests and opinions. I am aware, however, that there are many apathetic students here. This is sometimes associated with our rather high population of students with high socioecomic backgroups. While Hamiton does make good efforts to create economic diversity with opportunity programs, having a lot of upper-middle class students from New England may be inevitable with Hamilton's location, cost, and liberal arts.
A student from very poor urban areas might feel out of place. The overall affluence of the student body is very real and sometimes in your face, but people in general are very accepting and open to meeting new people.
Whether the students are politically/socially/environmentally/etc aware depends greatly on the student. Some kids live deeply in the bubble, others are much more street smart and aware.
Hamilton students are open minded, welcoming and accepting of others views. It is a true community of learners and thinkers. Though, students here are still able to have some fun.
The student body, at first glance, is primarily white, with a few minorities thrown into the mix. After spending more time here, I realize that we really are not very diverse. In general, the students look the same, dress the same, etc.
OK, often pretentious and overall very wealthy. If not from upper class may feel slightly out of place. Huge emphasis on frats/sororities, partying, drinking, and promiscuous sexual relations.
There are a lot of different kinds of students at Hamilton, but ethincally there is very little diversity.
Hamilton has good diversity but need to promote interaction between groups. The financial backgrounds of students are well off for the most part but there are tons of people from diverse backgrounds. Students are not as politically aware as they should be and it would be cool if activism could increase. For the most part students are center, leaning left yet there is a great balance of liberal and conservative. If there were four tables in the dining hall one would be a sports team, one a sorority/frat, one a group of students doing work for a class together, and the other just a random group of friends.
Light sider: preppy. Dark sider: artsy.
If you're white, you can surround yourself with a pretty uniform group of strait, white people because they outnumber everybody else. But if you want to have a diverse experience it is more than possible. There are people of every race, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic background and anything else you can think of, and they are often nicer than the strait white folks.