Hamilton College Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Hamilton College accurate?


Much of the campus is preppy, but I think that students have the freedom to dress however they want. Not everybody is from prep school or Westchester or Farfield counties. As for the diversity, it is primarily white, but more diverse than my high school. As for the alcohol, yes, there is a lot of it, but mostly because campus safety is realistic about it. They're not going to bust every party, instead, they try to keep in in control and non-destructive.


I'd say it depends on the way you choose to spend your time at Hamilton. There are obviously those kids that definitely fall into the category of "blue collar," but that's not to say that the entire campus IS that way. Statistically Hamilton definitely needs work on diversity, but at this point in time it by no means is a negative part of the community.




About half of the student body (I believe) is on some form of financial aid or work study program. There are students who are very well off, but you would never know it. Two-thirds of the campus is involved in some form of athletics, at the same time Hamilton is ranked high academically. This eliminated the division of the so called jocks and brains, since students can and do preform well at both.


While these two groups do exist, the majority of campus falls somewhere in between, composed of well-rounded, happy, grounded people.


For a large percentage of the population I believe they are.


I would agree that the vast majority of students on campus (or at least those you see walking down Martin's Way) fit the preppy , fairfield county mold. I initially did have an issue with the lack of diversity on campus (which admissions is working on). This seems hypocritical since I am from one of the fairfield county towns typified at Hamilton; however, I did NOT want to go back to high school. Although there are many stereotypes, there are so many wonderful caring people at Hamilton college, who deserve more than just a cover reading.


-Popped collars: There is a good amount of preppy kids on campus, but there are also a lot of kids who are into the more earthy, hippy style, as well as those who fall in between. Lots of [social] diversity overall. -Typical liberal arts school: Somewha


I had not heard any stereotypes before, but the ones that I have made up are fairly accurate.