Harvard University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


Students don't usually leave their dorms open. Athletic events are not too popular. If I'm awake at 2am on a tuesday, I"m probably studying.


The dating scene sucks, but everyone knows that and seems to accept the hook-up or married culture. I think a very low percentage of people party compared to other schools, and those who do party restrict themselves to the weekend.


I am on the marathon team and I conduct systems biology research.


I have a group of close, real friends. Other than that, I keep to myself. I do not enjoy the "going out" scene here, but that's okay because I get more than enough of that when I am home. What I like about Harvard is that it doesn't matter what you do. You can go out, you can stay in; people generally respect your preferences.


If I am awake 2am Tuesday, the only possibility is that I am studying in Lamont..or waiting for the shuttle bus to take me back home.


Activities are overwhelming. Starting a club is very easy.


actually, the academic load is too heavy for grad students to participate in any extracurricular. it's almost impossible for me to participate in a sport team with regular practice schedule, though i'm dying to join them.


See stereotypes.


I love Harvard activities. Sometimes the parties aren't great...but they are what you make them. People are very friendly. Cambridge is always there and Boston is easily accesible.


As a science student who didn't really get out much freshman year, getting into an upper-class house was a god-send. I met a great group of friends and got really close to them. The dozen or so of us eat pretty much every meal together and even though we don't have much time to go out and do stuff, we often study in the same room so we can talk and socialize when looking up from our work. However, it is easy to get complacent in that clique and fail to branch out; now, I think we've grown a little weary each other and although we'll look back on our years fondly at graduation, it is probably a good thing that we only have one more year here.