Hope College Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Hope College? Why?


I don't like the fact that everyone assumes that just because you go to Hope, you're a Christian. I knew that I was choosing a religiously-affiliated school, but, as a liberal atheist, it's hard to get into a lot of the on-campus activities and groups because they often have an emphasis on religion. The faculty was even chosen partially based on their religious views. They're usually open to discussion, though, which is nice. It would also be nice if they would allow pro-gay groups/clubs on campus.


It didn't help me with what I really wanted to do in the future


I wish that Hope College was a little bigger with more diverse students. However, more students would result in less interaction with professors. I enjoy the school, but would like it to be it's same size but located inside a bigger city.


The worst thing about Hope is the winter. Holland virtually shuts down and there is SO much snow, all the time. It's fine as long as you have a good coat and a good pair of boots, but you will still welcome spring like never before. Lake effect snow is awful!


I think the worst thing is that the cultural diversity in the college is small among the students. The majority of the students are white and Christians. It would be nice to have a more ethnically diverse campus.


The hypocrisy of the students. Hope is a rather conservative Christian college and yet few students uphold its morals and values.


Many students have grown up in a conservative home. It can be hard for those with liberal ideas to feel comfortable in converstation about politics and other life matters. It isn't necessarily the worst thing, but it's hard to feel completely diverse when the majority of the school believes equally about different matters. Most people are open, but it would be nicer to hear a different point of view.


The work load it intense and at times overwhelming.


It's not very ethnically diverse- although it gets more diverse every year. Also, some are put off by the occasional lack of religious acceptance.