Hope College Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Hope College?


I hate that the Art program does not get enough money from the college. Hope is a liberal arts institution, but they really focus in on the sciences. Art classes are limited because of that . The professors are great, but can't cator to all the students because of this.


I can not think of something that truly frustrates me about Hope College. l love Hope College and have wanted to go there ever since I was a little girl.


The most frustrating thing at my school is the Christian closed mindedness that accompanies most of the students. I am Christian myself, but the reformed background doesn't seem to be as loving as Christianity should theoretically be.--the general outlook seems to be judgemental.


The most frustrating thing would be the housing process for me. More people get upset and frustrated by how housing operates and they continually get stuck with bad housing assignments. Housing is based on credit hour and I have been lucky, but it doesn't seem fair for the same people to get shafted every time just because they weren't in AP classes. The same goes for the registration process. Again I was lucky with my credit hours, but I know many people who are frustrated with trying to get the classes they want.


Most teachers are perfect for their job, but I have had a few that seem underqualified and should not be teaching. They have even been moved from course to course to find what they would fit in best just so they don't have to leave, but they really shouldn't be teaching. One of the college professors I knew didn't even know most of the class materials she was teaching so she had to sit in in an identical class taught by a phenominal professor in the time period right before she taught. Copy-cat teaching.


This is also hard because there isn't much to say. I guess I really wish it wasn't so expensive to go here. It's a huge financial commitment, but I often tell people that I am getting more than a great education at Hope- it has been the best years of my life!