Howard University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Howard University? Why?


Administration! Howard U's admin staff doesn't appear to be on the same page at all times. That is, everyone disseminates different information etc. Although there are many staffers who are willing to help, they are more often than not, unavailable and will have you running around on a wild goose chase. Record keeping is not "solid" either; I have seen HU lose drastically mess up transcripts and mysteriously forget that they offered a student scholarship money/financial aid.


The worst thing about my school is the financial aid. It's very hard to obtain and even retain scholarships here which tends to be very stressful on the student and their family.


Living quarters would need to be retrofitted and upgrades to modern standards. Currently, the housing quarters I am staying in needs air-conditioning and heating during winter months. Due to the long years that the institution has been in place, it is understandable that the buildings will be old, however, it needs to be retrofitted with modern utilities and upgrades.


The worst thing about my school is how much it costs! It is incredibly expensive to go to school here but the experience is worth it just try and get your finances squared away prior to coming here.


The admissions office because it is never running


The worst thing about Howard is the cafe food!


The worst thing about my school is that alot of funds aren't avaiable for well deserving students. Since Howard relies on Endowments and federal aid there isn't much money available to accomodate the needs of it's studets. Once the money is gone it it gone and this happens very quickly. I wish there was a way for more deserving students to get money for their education especially if they are focused, determined, and willing to do anything to pursue higher education.


The worst thing about Howard University would be the adminstration The flow of information at howard is slow and they often have a hard time getting information out to the students. It is also hard to meet with the advisors.


As a whole Howard has a plethora of things to improve upon. However, the lack of a cohesive support system within the administration permits a disdain for the authorities on campus. They are completely disorganized, lack answers or make up answers creating a huge run around and lots of elongated issues that prevent the students from completely focusing on their academics.


The worst thing about Howard University is getting an appointment in the administrative building to take care of academic and financial needs.