Howard University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Howard University? Why?


As much as I brag (as you will read in the nexxt question) of Howard's promise and history, much of the students committment to social change and political activism has died with the 80's. I believe that Howard has a unique history and, therefore, ability to make significant changes in the continuing fight for civil rights, equality, and community involvement. To me, then, the worst thing about Howard is that too many of its students get lost into social retreats: fashion, social clubs, and living for social success. Too many have become estranged from life's worthy issues.


The worst thing about the school that I attend is the lack of assistance from the administration buildings. It is very hard to reach those that aork there (even the front desk). When you are finally in contact with someone they usually refuse to let you speak to the people you really need to talk to. Often times the employees at the aid building don't provide any type of relevant answers or suggestions to help whatever your situation might be.


The administration is extremely slow


I think the worst thing about Howard University is the perception of the students in the community and the lack of interaction with the community that brought about most of the misunderstandings. While I attended Howard over 25 years ago, the community felt the students were standoffish.


The worst thing about my school is the cost. Howard University is known as the top HBCU in the country so it comes along the prestigious amount. The situation I am in does not benefit from the cost; it is an added on burden.


The worst thing about Howard University is Administration issues that one may encounter upon being enrolled in the school. It is the most stressful andd frustrating thing about Howard. Sometime getting the right information is tough to obatain through the university and that is the the worst thing about my school.


I think the worst thing at my school would have to be the Financial Aid building. I say this because they arent many workers there so many files and documents get lost and your things aren't processed ,which holds you back from getting your academic studies straight .They can sometimes be unorganized and slow.


The worst thing about Howard University would, again, be its administration. As previously stated, the employees' slow and mediocre work is extremely frustrating, making Howard University's worst attribute its Administration building.


The worst thing about my school is the lack of finacial aid to students who would normally obtain such through merit. Scholars are appreciated here only through praise, not through monetary assistance. It's an HBCU, so we don't necessaruly have racial issues here, however there is a mjaor class distinction, that is obvious form the time one sets foot one campus. Howard would do well to treat less-financially endowed students with more respect.


The worst thing about my school is that they are understaff and provide inadequate administrative services. The Administration office at my school constantly loses important documents, they don't respond to student in a timely manner, and they are downright rude.