Howard University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Howard University? Why?


The lack of career planning for College of Arts and Sciences students.


Financial Aid and the administration are the worst things about my school. They are unorganized and untimely. There is a lot of information to be given out and most times, the information comes out wrong.


The worst thing about my school is that at times it can become too cliqued off and people are power hungry. I understand its a competitive school and it is all about who you know and not what you know, but there are many people at the university who are just nobodies trying to find their place. Not everybody wants to take the initiative to help new-comers and others feel like they belong until major situations happen.


I do not like the registration process and the administration at Howard University. We also have horrible customer service and this should be changed immediately. This along with the slow server on BisonWeb which takes care of financial aid, transcripts, rooming assingments, and registration for classes, has caused students to transfer from Howard University. It is not conducive to a happy environment if the server bogs down everytime a students tries to register for classes or select a living assignment. It is ridiculous and should be changed soon. The shuttle system also is mediocre at Howard University.


The worst thing about Howard University would have to be the Administration building. The staff is unorganized, rude, and never on top of their work. They always give students the run around. You are sure to have three gray hairs after walking out of this place.


The worst thing about Howard is the cost and the Adminstrastion building. The A- building as we call it will give you hell. Make sure to always make copies of your information and make deadlines. And always follow-up even when you know everything is okay, still follw-up.


I would have to say that Howard University needs to continue to strategically improve their administration building, which essentially is in control of the clarical work that needs to be done for both students and parents. This is a critical need because for both first-time as well as returning students the process for attending a university should be as smooth and simple as possible.


The worst thing about my school is the organization of the administration. If I have a problem, it shouldn't be a problem to see the people I need to see to solve my problem. The people working in administration shouldn't be rude and I shouldn't have to always worry about whether or not I made enough copies of paperwork, because the administration is liable to say that they've lost it.


The only thing that some of the students at my school have a problem with is financial aid office. Some of the people that work in the financial aid office are not friendly all the time, but as long as you go in there with a positive attitude, they will be nice. I personal have never had problems with the financial aid office, but some of my friends have.


I feel like the worst thing about my school is the disorganization. I do feel like when you really need help or have to address an issue, the school can sometimes gives you the run around. Finacial aid could be better. They don't have enough scholarships for non atheletes.