Howard University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Howard University know before they start?


There are three important things that I would tell myself as a high school senior in preparation for college. The first thing I would tell myself is that relationships are important, not just casual acquaintances, but true developed intentional friendships. The second thing I would say is that in everything you do, do it with excellence, go above and beyond the minimum requirements. And the third thing, the last and most important is to set personal standards to develop an integrity filled character that is unwavering.


If I could go back in time and give myself advice my senior year of high school, I would tell myself to live everyday like its your last. Take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way and never be afraid to face your fears head on. Life is only going to be what you make it, dare to be different, make a differance and never be afraid to show people the real you. You are smart, beautiful and talented beyond measures, believe in yourself and never allow anyone to tell you different. You don't have to search for reassurance in others, everything you need can be found in yourself and through God. Take time to appreciate the small things in life because time only lasts but so long. Stay focused on your dreams, don't allow the small things to stress you out and study hard now so you can play hard later. Most of all cherish all the time you have with your loved ones because they won't be around forever and never let anyone or anything get in the way of following YOUR dreams! If no one else tells you, I love you!


Take advantage of all your opportunties. Don't ever sell yourself short. Have a fun summer, but also take that time to keep your mind sharp. Do your research. Become active. Just because you're a senior now, does not give you the right to give up yet. The race is not over until it is over. Do not stop looking for scholarships. You need all the additional funds you can find. Most importantly, stay true to yourself. Don't conform to the person everyone wants you to be. Always be the amazingly incredible you!


I would tell myself to plot my own course and stay on it and do my best in class. When you feel that you are at your lowest point, whatever you do, do not give up. Use that negative energy to further push you to achieving your goals. Beginning in elementary school, the incessant taunting and teasing and being called “nerd” and “geek” fueled the fire within me to keep learning and prove my peers wrong. My father’s words still ring in my head, “Stand out. Don’t fit in.” Defeat all odds that society may have set against you! A quote that I created not too long ago says, "Yes, you reap what you sow, but make sure you know the right time to pick your harvest." Just because you do not get something that you thought you worked hard for does not mean you did not earn it. It may just not be your time to receive it. I am thankful for my drive, my relationships, and most of all, my faith in God. After my first year in college, I am living proof that hard work does pay great dividends.


If I had the chance to go back, I would encourage myself to Step out on faith and don't stop the process. My transition was a boring experience because I was afraid of going after my dreams. I doubted every step it took to get me to where I always dreamed of being. If I had the opportunity, I would tell myself, "the only way to achieve my dreams is to attack fear head on. And once you attack your fear, the path way to your dreams becomes clear. Nothing else can stop you, if you only take that leap of faith and not doubt the process once you've stepped out".


i would have told myself to take the application process more seriously and apply early. I would also have told myself to get a better ACT score and AP exam score. These are things i regret because I have to watch my parents struggle to pay for my tution. I would tell myself that "Yes you are smart, and hard working but havig an ego with no motive is useless." Now that I'm college I my last advice for myself would be "BE YOURSELF". There's nothing wrong with change however, do it for the better. Do it for your growth, success, an empowerment. But do not do it for anyone else. The crowd doesn't live you, you have to live for the crowd.


If I could go back in time I would tell myself to quit procrastination and take charge. I was too timid coming into college and the environment was very competitive. I would get into the habit of putting in all or nothing because students give their work their all. Everyone is trying to get ahead and get a guaranteed source of income once they come out. I would have did more research on what major I wanted to pursue so that I would not be indecisive and back and forth. I would tell myself to be more open to networking and making use of relationships with people I meet. Later on down the line those are the same people I need to advance.


Oneil, there are a few things you need to know before you go away and start your new journey through college. The summer after you graduate from Central should be a very productive summer for you. You need to try and figure out a few things before you leave. Your biggest challenge will be paying for everything that you need while in college, so you need to find some way to make money to have while you are away. You also need to apply for as many scholarships as possible so that this will not be something you have to worry about once you get there. When the money situation is taken care of everything else will pretty much fall into place. You know how to work hard and get good grades, you have been doing all these years, so continue to do so and do your best to not fall behind. There will be a lot of things that you want to do and without the grades you will not be able to do many of them. You know where you want to get to in life and only you can make that happen with hard work and dedication.


If I could go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior and talk about what I now know about college. I would tell myself that playtime is over. For the first time as a senior in high school realized that my future would be hard. I spent freshman, sophomore and half of junior year goofing around and not really paying attention to my studies. I wasted a lot of money and didn't plan or think that I was going to get into college. As a senior I grew aware of the hole I dug for myself. I would tell my former self that times will get harder and I have to be more responsible to ensure that my future will be better and that I am able to get a better education for myself. I would also tell myself this quote that has helped me decide to go back to school: “Sometimes you have to forget how you feel and remember what you deserve". This quote helps me stay focused. It helps me to believe in myself and that I can be somebody. I am in control of my future.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to be cultivated. Due to my upbringing I was ignorant to the various ways of thinking and beliefs others acquired. I did not allow myself to open up to different cultures and form the bond with others that would prepare me for college. Before I embarked on my journey to Howard University I did not understand the importance of enlightning myself with the world around me. The best gift someone could give themself in my opinion is the gift of knowing. Going back in time, I would definitely teach myself how to be a well-rounded young lady in order to prosper in my next educational venture known as college. The transition to Howard University would have been much easier if I would have known how to present myself in certain situations and I was informed about the differences in various cultures.