Howard University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Howard University know before they start?


I have gained a new perspective on racial profiling since I have been at Howard.


The college experience has given me the tools to succeed. It has taught me that the most important tools for success are self-determination, faith, creativity and a sense of purpose. College has shown me that I did not get this far on my own; I had support from my family and friends and my classmates. College has shown me that since I did not make it this far on my own, I should do my part to support those around me. It has taught me that while I am reaching forward, I should also be reaching back.


College is a place to not only find your place in the world but find out about yourself. Entering college I had many fears and worries about what college had in store for me. In retrospect, I know that many of those worries were nothing to concern myself with. In my first class at 8 am at Howard University was very intimidated because many of the other students knew just what to say and I was seemingly at lost for words. Then I refocused my confidence and realized that I had already proven myself worthy to be apart of the conversation by being accepted to Howard so I opinionatedly stated my viewpoint. Through my college experience more than just learning whats in the books, I learned about myself! In a high school psychology course we had to write a promt on "who am I", it seemed so hard then but now I can proudly hold my head up high at a Howard University woman. My entire experience in Washington, DC has been invaluable and has shaped me into the person I am today.


My college experience thus far has taught me to love myself, accept others and their beliefs and be open to change. These short 2 years have proven invaluable in my life. I was always told college is where you find out who you really are but now I am living that saying. I am learning more and more about myself everyday. I have been put in situations that I thought I would never make it out of, only to find myself stronger in the end with some gained knowledge. My experience has showed me how to fend for myself while being miles away from my family, live on my own and adjust to the real world lifestyle. College is where I learned how to be a young woman and treat myself with the utmost respect. Also, the education has showed me the power a mind can have and if used correctly the impact it can have in the world. Being around many wonderful and dedicated people makes me want to do my very best just in order to compete on their level. Howard boots out the best in black excellence and I am privileged to be a part of it.


I have a love/hate relationship for my school. On one hand Howard has a rich legacy that boasts graduating the top African American leaders, doctors, lawyers, and entertainment moguls in the country. Howard is a great place to network and make connections with people that will most likely be the ticket to you getting where you want in life. And yes I know, "you come to college to get an education, not to party" but the social life at Howard is one of the top reasons that make this University so great and appealing. However, our administration is subpar, and that's where the hate relationship comes in. Most of our administration doesn't seem to have the student's best interest at heart. I could go into detail, but the 200 words this little box allows wouldn't nearly be enough. Fortunately, the connections, lessons, and friends I have made at this school has overshadowed the horrible administration I have to endure on a yearly basis. Overall, I wouldn't trade my school for the world, the education i receive, inside and outside the classroom, is priceless. "HU...YOU KNOW!!"


I've learned many things through my college experience thus far at Howard University. One life lesson that has stuck with me the most is that college is not solely for advancement in book knowledge. College is, collectively, a rite of passage. If you only focus on studying and making good grades, you are missing out on alot of valuable life lessons that could potentially help you grow as a young adult. If you skip out on college all together, not only are you missing out on a higher education, but you're missing out on the opportunity to grow and be influenced in a different way. In my opinion, the institution of college is very necessary and life changing. College is about the people you meet, the lives you touch, those who touch your life, the mistakes you make, how you pick yourself back up, and moving forward. It is so much more valuable than just the book knowledge that is obtained. Attending Howard University has changed my life forever.


Tears. Something I wasn't really familiar with before I came to Howard. This form of emotion wasn't familiar to me. I never cried in public. That shows weakness, right? Wrong. I met people there that showed me that it's OK to cry. And tears are definitely not the only thing I became familiar with. It's OK to laugh at things that only I found funny. To dance freely at parties. To let people see the real me. Howard really helped me grow as an individual. Before attending Howard, I was a friendly person that got along with everybody, but I was still shy on the inside, begging to be free and outgoing. I wasn't a follower, but I was still stuck in a shell that I had created. By the end of my first semester however, I had made friends that made me feel comfortable with just being myself and letting loose once in a while. All in all, Howard has not only become the University that I attend, but the Institution where I broke free from myself and became the person I am today along with the person I will become as an adult.


I honestly don?t know what life will bring me after college. Life is full of so many grey areas, such that college degrees are virtually useless. Once upon a time going to a four year college or university and receiving a Bachelor?s degree, guaranteed a high paying job, however today this is not the case. My goal for going to college is to gain experience, as a Psychology major I will deal with people. What better place to meet and observe people than a college campus, where like minded individuals from all walks of life come together. Here, while gaining a worthwhile secondary education I will create networks of friends and business associates that will help me in future endeavors. Thus setting me up for success in today?s changing world, and my time at Howard University has definitely helped me move on the right path to success. I am learning more about my culture while gaining a well rounded education that will last me throughout my life. I have made lifelong friends and confidants that will help me grow emotionally, educationally, and professionally. ?HU You Know!? as we say at Howard becomes a promise to do better.


Attending Howard University has been the most valuable journey in my life. This experience afforded me the knowledge socially and educationally to prepare for the "real world". When I entered into Howard University I had to become accustomed to living in a new State and City. This transition could be compared to starting a new job. My major was business and that meant that I had to dress in appropriate business attire for my classes. I viewed my teachers like an employer or boss, which meant that I arrived to class on time and prepared. In the real world it is very important to come to work on time and prepared for your work day. As a result I developed a routine which would soon become a habit. As a result of viewing my classroom environment to a typical work day, I was able to develop key habits that contributed to my success in my chosen career field today.


Studying in America is an enriching experience and great opportunity that I never imagined could happen to me. I was born in Argentina 20 years ago and right now I am enrolled in the biggest Community College of Minnesota, Normandale Community College. The positive contribution that the College provided to me is: the diversity of the people, the education quality given by professors, and the critical thinking that I developed. First of all, Normandale has a lot of diversity. For me that is something important in life because when we face different ways of thinking we could grow as human society. Moreover, the quality of the professors is great; I find them to be enthusiastic about what they are doing and they encourage us, students, to have a dreams and a vision for them. The last thing I want to mention is that the critical thinking I developed over the past year was due attending Normandale Community College; taking classes like environmental ethics, visual arts, microeconomics help me to develop a critical thinking mind to face everyday life and cope with unexpected life-events. In an American Community College I found more than education: diversity, inspirational professors, and critical thinking.