If I had the opportunity to advise my senior high school self I would just remind myself that my hunger and determination will only take me so far, and in order to truly be successful, I have to continue with the perseverance I was established on and never lose sight of my foundation. I would remind myself that I was set on this earth to do magnificent things and in order to continue to achieve excellence I have to remember my priorities and forget my young desires. I would remind myself that there is an ultimate goal that I am set to achieve, and even though I am blessed with the perseverance to accomplish, I have to remember distractions will kill me if I let them, my habits are what will ultimately determine my success, and in order to get what I want, I have to stay true to myself and always do what I set out to do. The world isn't an easy place, and for people like myself, I have to have the confidence and remind myself I'm not everyone else, I'm better.
If I had the chance to go back in time as speak to myself as a high school senior, I would so much to say about the transition to college. For one I would stress to myself the importance of having self discipline. It is very easy to come to college and to lose sight of the goals that we have set for ourselves. I would also stress to myself the importance of knowing what I believe in, and sticking to it. Coming to college with a diverse group of people who have been raised in ways so much different than our own, it's imperative to know our morals and boundaries and stick to them. Finally, I would tell myself to research scholarships fervently. As a senior I had so much on my mind I overlooked one of the most important aspects of college- paying for it.
All throughout life you set goals. College is when you have to make a decision on what you want to do with your life and who you will be. Every decision you make is now a reflection of you as a person. It is important that you are a woman of your word. Integrity will get you far, but fear and timidness will hold you back. Stay alert, make decisions using common sense to stay safe. Be more open to new things and new people. Enjoy the freedom of college. College can be a combination of work and play if you schedule everything and have order.
Remember to stay focused on the future and the road ahead because college can be so much fun that it is easy to forget about what is important your main reason for being there.......your school work!
If I could go back and tell myself what I know now, it would be to make sure that you take everything seriously. How important school is and how it can truly transform your life. I just started Nursing school at a technical school and I have never been so happy. I wish that I worked as hard then as I am right now. Also I would tell myself to not rush growing up. Its scary having responsibilities on your own and you should cherish the times you have to be a kid. I wanted to be so old so quick and even though im still young. I would have done a lot of things differently. Be more involved in school activities, be a better friend, and be more of a person that I can feel is real and to be proud of. Life right now is perfect, but I wish i could have said that as a high school senior. Don't stop growing, and if you have a dream, reach for it with every ounce in your being.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to stay focused because there is alot of extracurricular activities and college life experiences that can take me off track. I would tell myself that freshman year will be the easiest and try to earn the highest g.p.a I can so I will have a cushin encase I mess up in another class later in the year. I think I would tell my self to stay confident in my abilities and take every opportunities that come my way to strengthen my ability to have a successful career. The last thing I would tell myself is that I make my own decisions and my journey whether good or bad depends solely on me.
I would have focused more on my academics during freshman year as the grade deficit I allowed myself to fall into was difficult to get out of.
Never procrastinate and network as much as possible. There are infinite possibilities at Howard and I should get involved in as many organizations as possible.
I would say make sure that you go to a school that has all of your intrest and you decide to go to. Don't let others influence your decisions and make sure you have a good balance of social and academic activities. Stay focused and keep on track so you can have fun when you want to. Enjoy your college years, but make sure you do what you need to do to graduate and have a successful future.
Get involed early and do not be as shy.