Howard University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Howard University know before they start?


If I were able to go back in High School and give myself advice, I would tell myself to begin working on my time management. Understanding that focusing on the task at hand is essential and although the world holds a lot of distractions, there is always an assignment that needs to be done. Managing my time and fighting off my distractions, was my biggest challenge as a first semester freshman. Being away from home and being surrounded by a bunch of people who are your age can sometimes turn into a big party. The key is to always remember what needs to be done, and since students know they will want to have fun later, make sure your assignments are taken care of as soon as you get them. Procrastination and lack of sleep can be the downfall of a college student, yet it is easily prevented. One can procrastinate in High school, and it may not be a big deal, but procrastination in college can affect one's overall health. As a senior in High School I would begin having time management habits, so that once I got to college, it wouldn't be such a major transition.


If I knew what I knew now about college life and making the transition into college, I would definitely advise myself to get involved early . In high school, I was involved in everything one could think of, but when I got to college I thought that I had all the time in the world to join clubs and participate in student leadership. Before I knew it, I was a senior in college and the world seemed like it especially exhausted itself out just to speed up time for me. Besides being more active in school, I would advise myself, and any other high school graduate, that even though family can be the best advice, they can also give some outdated and biased advice. College was a great time for me to discover myself, but I believe I could?ve gotten more from the experience if I would?ve been selective about listening to the advice and views of my family and went with what I believed was best for me. Lastly, I would advise to seize the moment. College is a once and a lifetime experience, enjoy every cram session, party, heartbreak, and as much of the whirlwind as possible.


You are amazing and brilliant; act like it! Your parents did not raise you to have a spirit of fear, so do not worry about failing the AP English final that others say is hard. You?ve got this! Your parents taught you the value of hard work; do not let the required time and work commitments deter you from joining extracurricular activities. Get involved! You are on a journey that is preparing you for a bright future. The hard work you have put in these past twelve years in not an excuse to slack off before you have reached your destination. Throughout the years, you have acquired valuable skills and developed irreplaceable assets. Use them to build your auspicious future! Taking things easy your senior year may sound like a good idea, but why gain a false academic perception of college? The classes you take senior year will most closely resemble the university level. Therefore, you will better achieve success in college if you continue to challenge yourself, as well as develop the study and work habits you will obtain on your journey to becoming one of the most enterprising collegiate students.


The best advice is to not only be prepared, but also know exactly what you want to do in life. Just about all the students I know have changed their major or have taken an elective that have made them think twice.about what they want to be in life. Talk to older students about their career and recent graduated students if possible. Make sure that you like the field that you are getting into and most of all explore other fields by taking not just the easy electives. You may be surpirse that even if you did not care much for science or math in high school, you may find yourself liking it in college. You will find yourself maturing rapidly, just make sure that during that maturing that you also become wiser. College life is a great time in your life, study hard, but also always take the time to enjoy it.


If I could go back in time to talk to myself as a senior, I would just tell myself to be open. Going from small private schools that don't exceed 100 students to a university with over 10,000 people is a big change. I would admit that I was not ready for college life and tell my past self that it's okay to ask for help.


If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to work on studying. I didn't have to study much in high school to do well. Things came easily if I just payed attention in class. I struggled during my first semester in college because I didn't know how to study properly. I would always wait untill the last minute to study for tests, not realizing how much material I actually had to cover. Another big thing I would give advice on is networking and making relationships. By nature, I am a very shy person. I would tell my high school self to come out of my comfort zone more and build relationships with more of my professors and upper classmen. Professors are more likely to go above and beyond for a student who they know as more than just a last name and an ID number on a piece of paper. Since I've been at Howard, I've learned that sometimes it's not always about what you know, but also who you know.


Make sure that you are focus going into this new environment. It is easy to get side tracked. You have more freedom to do what you please. After every class study what you've learn for about 15mins so the information can stick with you. Oh yeah make sure you take good notes because your exams are based on them. It's like this go to class take notes for like two weeks. Okay time for exam one. What! It's up to you how well you will do on the exam. Make sure that you get the highest GPA the first semeter. If you get a 4.0 then you don't have to work so hard but maintain a good GPA, so if you get a C it wouln't hurt you so much. But if you get a 2.0 GPA your first semester you are going to be working on building that GPA until you graduate.You leave yourself with no room for error. Also the good benefits of a good GPA is more scholarship. Join different organizations and get involved. Build a realtionship with your professors. RELAX it isn't as bad as people describe.


I would tell myself that my education is the most important thing in the world. When I graduate college, it will not matter if I went to every party or every social, all that matters is what I learned and how I can use it to get a job. Coming in to college, I didn't have that mentality, I thought that if I was only going to live once, I may as well have fun doing it. I failed to realize that if I partied away my college career i wouldn't have a good shot at a real future. In a nutshell, my advice to myself would be to not live in the now, but in the then. Don't think about what part I may be missing now, but instead, of after I graduate and become successful, and what riches will be in store for me then.


The only advice I would give to myself is to not procrastinate and to get things done on time. College requires a lot more techniques for time management than I expected.


Birds fly in the sky, even if they aren't stars. Though it seems like you are as aerodynamically unsound as they come, something rests inside of you called 'potential'. You are capable of doing any and everything. Never dwell on those objects that you do not have. Look at lacking as a possibility to obtain. If people do not accept you as you are, have the courage to be the only one who does. Now, more than ever, it is imperative for you to understand that you do not know it all. Every single day is a learning experience, so take each one as such. If you feel the urge to cry - do it. If you want to sing and jump around - do it. This is the best time to become comfortable with yourself. Think of it like this: everyone has their own personal desires, right? Those in your environment may not be interested in the wishes of others, yours especially. If other people aren?t willing to make sure that you are happy, who else can you look to for satisfaction but yourself? Love thyself, and spread that tenderness outward because everybody needs a little bit of love.