Howard University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Howard University know before they start?


The day that you enter collefe life is the day that everything becomes more of a reality than it was before. Academics, involvement, and responsibility become more of your own rather than a shared expectation between yourself as well as your parents. Mistakes are going to be made and are not to be dwelled upon as they are the hands that mold you as a student. These same mistakes are the ones that you can learn from and prepare yourself for greater obstacles. The independance that you once thought you had takes on a new definition through this transition.


The advice that I would give myself is to stay focused, dont give and continue studying. Get more involvement by networking and participating in on-campus activities. Seek help when needed, ask questions when you dont understand something and do well.


Many people go to school and lose their individuality as well as people going to school and being stuck in their own world for the next 2-4 years. Going to a University or College goes beyond gaining more knowledge and getting a degree; it includes becoming a better person and improving your quality of life. Everyday challenges and experiences learned in college are essential to how you will live the rest of your life. Knowing yourself is more than having a certain style or etc; it is generally known as staying confident and firm with who you are, but being open to change. I would advise myself to leave for school with an unbiased mindset and to keep that mindset until my last breath because that is what learning is all about.


You are about to have a completely new experience and you will often feel lost and confused, but don't let that deter you. Communication here is the key, so don't be afraid to bug the heck out of the college staff with questions. Often you will not be sure what to do or how to handle a certain situation. Thats perfecly fine, just be persistant until you find someone who can give you a satisfactory answer. It is important to stay organized and know deadlines. Don't wait for the last day of the deadline, but rather get everything squared away NOW, or as soon as possible. This is a time of change, opportunity, growth and hardwork. It is all very exciting, and it will not be easy to stay focussed on school. You need to be self-disciplined, and it is best to have a goal. Decide what you want from life a work hard everyday to make this a reallity. The most successful people are the most motivated. Know what career will give you the most sattisfaction, make this your goal, and never forget what you are working towards. Stay healthy and optimistic for the future.


When it comes to choosing a major, follow your heart. While your parents may have your best interest in mind, don't let them sway you completely. If you don't choose something you love or are passionate about, you will be miserable. So search yourself and choose wisely. When you get to college, don't stay in the comfort blanket of friends you already know. Meet as many people as you can, gain connections and experiences. If you look back and realize you missed out you are sure to regret it. It's okay to want to help people, but not when it becomes hazardous to your personal mental and spiritual health. some people need to be loved from afar. It doesn't make you a bad friend or person, it makes you wise. Don't dwell in failures and everything you do wrong, instead look at it as something you need to progress in. Mistakes are ok, you are only human. You cannot do everything by yourself! Seeking help in friends, classmates, tutors, study groups , and teachers office hours is an asset not a sign of weakness. Be active in organizations and community service, it feels good!


Organization is the key to success, especially in college. I wish you would've practiced organization by handing in assignments on time instead of last minute or studying 1 day or the day of for a test. Although you excelled by being on honor roll every semester, things could have been easier for you if you left procrastination behind. In college, procrastination will give you C's, D's, and F's, which will not help you in the future. B averages can be solved by extra study time, asking questions, and handing in quality work on time. Don't over do it with partying and socializing like you did as a senior. You must balance your time. There are three things you do in college: Study, party, and sleep. You can't do all three thoroughly. I know popularity was never an "obsession" for you but I must remind you to be popular for great things, such as leadership and your talents. The shyness and sensitivity that existed must go out the window or else you'll miss out on great opportunities. I love you and you will be amazing as you enter your new beginning. You're ready.


I think that going to Howard helped me to grow up and take responibility for myself. Having to move across the country, I had to learn how not to depend on my parents for things as much. It has been very hard but the life lessons that I have learned helped me to grow and mature.


Going to college teaches students independence. Going to college also teaches life lessons, and I quickly learned that the farther I got away from my parents, the more responsible I was for my actions. Clearly, my parents would not always be there to help me, and in this last semester, in times of turmoil, I have had to find my own solutions to my problems because nobody was responsible for the turnout besides me. Through every decision I make, I am affected, and my actions will shape my life after college. I’ve not only learned that holding myself accountable to my grades is necessary, but holding myself liable to my actions outside of the classroom is important. Parties and events can be fun, but it’s the way people view your behavior at parties that shapes your reputation in the long run. By going to college, I found that the most valuable characteristic I can rely on in myself is self respect. High school prepared me for college, but college is preparing me for the workforce where my reputation will make or break my career and forever alter my life.


I am a freshman in college, although I have not been here very long I have learned a lot in the short five months that have passed. I thought I knew how to manage my time and work before I made it to college however, college was a huge eye opener. This experience has shown me that this really is the step stool to starting real life (i.e. a career, moving away from my parents e.t.c.). Granted, if I had decided not to attend college and stay in Colorado, I would have had a steady job and a place to stay however, I wouldn't have been able to get out and become more cultured and begin to prepare myself for the steps that I will be taking when I leave college.


Being a student at Howard University first and foremost has made me a stronger person. During the first year of my college experience my mother kicked me out of the house because I'm a lesbian. My "Howard Family" has been so supportive and really helped me get back on my feet. Students, professors, employees and chaplains reached out to me with words of encouragement in my time of need. Their encouragement and support has been the most valuable thing I have gained in my entire life. Their support gave me the strength I needed to start believing in myself again. The healing process is ongoing but I know I've grown from my experience at Howard. I know that I have what it takes to keep moving onward and upward.