The financial aid service can be so much better. You will have problems talking with people in the administration building, but it is one challenge that if you can get past you are looking at a bright future. You will also have to be ready for the professors. They will be trouble sometimes, but nothing to bad.
The administration can get very frustrating at times.
The most frustrating situation I have experienced at Howard University is the registration process. I advise all of the students to make copies of their financial documents and their class schedule. Try to pay your tuition and register for your classes before the next semester begins. The lines are extremely long in the Student Accts. department and if you wait too late to register for your classes you will have to hunt down the academic advisor to approve an override.
The most frustrating thing about the institution is that some teachers may lose students' coursework or grade it at a later inconvenient date than desired. This could be a disadvantage for students who are not well organized and do not keep u with their own work.
Some of the classes are using new textbooks. That is not a bad thing but they don't offer rentals or used books because they are brand new. Now I have to go out and buy those books, which are quite expensive, and when I try to sell them back I'll probably get less than 25{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the money I spent on the book back.
The most frustrating thing about my school is the horrible administration. The faculty is not helpful with the most important aspects of college, such as, financial aid. This past year numerous students protested against the Administration Building for being inadequate and unfortunately not processing their financial aid in a timely fashion. The poor conduct of the Administration forced many students to drop out because they were unable to pay for their classes due to their financial aid not being processed.
The most frustrating thing about Howard University is the Administration. In order to ensure that one's grades, money, and records are correct and up-to-date, one must practically hound the Administration Building's employees. This may be the case at alot of other schools and many people may argue that mediocrity from others teaches us to be more punctual and attentive. However, the Administration Building's mediocrity is still a major issue and many students complain and even protest the building.
The most frustrating aspect of my college is the small amount of money available for students in need of financial help, or even for students who just meet the requirements for scholarships but still do not get them. Many students are losing their validation because of the limited monetary resources. Also though many of us are able to pay our tuition, it is still a strain for our families to keep up with all of the little charges that seem to constantly show up. Even the smallest amount would be greatly appreciated to any Howard student.
The lines in the financial aid/ Student Accounts Office can sometimes be very long, so there can be a long wait.