Howard University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Howard University?


The administration takes a long time to address and correct a problem from the students. The campus police are always absent when a student is being robbed but are present when there is no threat.


The thing that is most frustrated is that the campus buildings dont mirror the legacy that Howard University holds.


The most frustrating thing about Howard is the Administrative Building. There is hardly communication between the students and the administrative team. Another problem is housing. Howard accepts more freshman each years, being that freshman are the only ones guaranteed housing, leaving the other classes screwed. Stop accepting more freshman, set a certain number and stick to it!


The Fin Aid Building and the teachers that do not speak very good english


Teachers don't seem to want students to be successful. They are just there for the paycheck. They are not passionate about what they are doing.


How unorganized the adminitration building is and how they handle their duties.


The administration helping with financial aid.


The faculty! They are very hard to get in touch with adn most teachers arent really in their office during their office hours!


Dealing with financial aid


The administration building is a total mess but with our new president things should change