Howard University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Howard University?


The customer service is the most frustrating thing about my school. The adminstration needs to be made of educated individuals and not random people they found. The people need to ne more patient and professional. The staff needs to focus more on the needs of the students rather than allowin things to slide simply because we are a university made up of mostly African-American students. We should have the same customer service as any other non HBCU.


There is an apparent liberal bias.


The most frustrating aspect of my school is the lack of administrative organization.


What frustrates me the most is the Financial Aid, Counseling Center, and tuition faculty. They are very slow and disorganized and even sometimes forgetful. They tend to lose a lot of your papers which is quite annoying because I have to copy every document given to me and make sure I have a receipt. Their lack of organization and structure causes many students with no housing, late payment of financial aid, and sometimes transfer students credits do no always transfer.


The administration is awful!


The beauracracy at Howard far exceeds that of the Republic of China. Procedures are given precedent over the people they are put in place to serve.


The lack of customer service.


The most frustrating thing about my school is having enough money to attend school.


The administration building can be unorganized at times.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the lack of help that comes from the administration building. They only send you around in circles and never tell you the right things. The most help you would get is from the students around your campus they know more than the administration.