I've learned how hard it is to commute to/from school ( 3hrs using public transportation roundtrip), and I know now that I have the ability to adapt to the commuting lifestyle while maintaining a high GPA. Most importantly, I've learned to organize events. For example, I led efforts in organizing a Game Show Night where randomly drawn students were able to come up to a stage and play one of the famous television trivia game shows. All of these experiences were especially wonderful with the backdrop of downtown Chicago at my campus' doorstep, and I couldn't be happier in any other city or rural area.
From my college experience has boasted my confidence and I now know that with determination and discipline, all of your dreams are possible.
I am taking Architecture in IIT, when I choose to taking my college here because I think it is a good place to study architecture. And now I think I made a right choice. It have a very good professor team in Architecture field, and many alumni also.
I've gotten a lot out of my college experience. I've met a lot of new friends and build a lot of strong relationships with my professors and new friends. College has been very valuable to attend because it provides us students with a plethora of opportunities to meet new life long friends and gain an education that will help us with the rest of our life.
I have gained alot from college. I realized a major is not just a paychck after graduation it needs to be something a person really wants to do with the rest of thier lives. College has also showed me that I can do things i never thought I could do and that I am smarter than i gave myself credit for.
I sit writing this essay at my summer desk job on the Illinois Institute of Technology campus. So far, I have updated my timesheet, submitted my application for further financial assistance to IIT’s Financial Aid Office, updated and submitted my resume in pursuit of an addtional job, and brainstormed ideas for the mentorship program I recently founded. I know I will produce a quality draft of this essay before the next Community Desk Assistant arrives to relieve me.
Through my college experience, I've learned that productivity paves the way toward limitless success. Productive study habits landed 'Anita Thomas' on IIT’s Dean's List for two successive semesters. My productivity in the classroom earned me a rare first-year undergraduate research position. The list goes on. Soon, I will present my research at several math conferences, serve as Math Club Vice President and Resident Advisor within IIT’s dorms, and I will lead the planning and execution of IIT’s Motorola Math Camp.
After I complete my academically valuable IIT experience, I will obtain my Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, serve as the most dedicated national security employee to grace the field, and exhibit model behavior within society.
I work and attend college, so my education has given me a new perspective on work and has motivated me to be more professional. My expectations of my own career have been stretched by my education at the same time I have more to offer to my industry. I plan to continue my education throughout my working career and if possible teach toward the end of and after my industrial career. The complement of education and work experience makes both more valuable and more enjoyable. I recommend any student take full advantage of any internship opportunities, best of luck!
I have not attended college yet but I would like to attend college so that I can better my education and get a career started in my life.
I have not attended college yet I hope to start in the next few months. When I do start I hope to complete web design and interactive media and finish with a bachelor's degree. My dream is to work for the NRA and design web pages for them.
Aside from learning the value of focus, my college experience has taught me how to live assertively and with great confidence in who I am and how I think.