Iowa State has an absolutely beautiful campus that changes dramatically with the seasons. The people here are very friendly and welcoming, and the town feels small and comfortable but it still has a lot of restaurants and activities to offer. Des Moines is only a few minutes away for even more opportunities. The professors at ISU work to involve their students in the classroom, and I've had many great experiences partnering with professors on their research projects. There is a lively campus life with hundreds of clubs and organizations to join and a great sports environment.
They offer a lot of good programs and the town is very much a college town where the city is seperated from the campus area which is the main reason I wanted to go to Iowa State. Being able to walk to classes and not having to drive or ride the bus everywhere. There is a perfect amount of students who attend which makes it not too big or too small but perfect.
A really nice and clean campus. ISU also has really good internet all over campus and also has plenty of places to get decent food.
Iowa State's campus is amoung the top 10 most beautiful in the United States, as well as being set-up efficiently. Cyride is a top rated city bus system which conveniently runs through campus. Professors are well-educated but listen to students as well and advisors truly care about the experience of learning of each student. Tuition is expensive, but still affordable, and the finance department does well to provide grants, scholarships and loans to a wide range of students to help make it more realistic. Their academic programs are hands on and career oriented helping people receive careers.
I selected my undergraduate school solely based on being offered an athletic scholarship. Looking back, it was a great school and the right chose, although the reasons I feel that way now, are not the reasons I used in making my selection.
Iowa State Univeristy provides a healthy learning environment with students in the classroom as well as outside the classroom. In the classroom teachers may have a vast group of students, however, they are willing to answer any question in class. Outside the classroom is where I think students can strive, especially at Iowa State. Iowa State's campus is very condensed and not spread out so you are remotely close to any building you may need to use (such as the libary). All in all, Iowa State provides an adequate learning environment for its students to strive towards excellence.
Within the past few years we derived the slogan "Cyclone Nation" but the colors of the billboards say Cycl-in red and One Nation in yellow and I really think that it's starting to stick with the school. You can tell that the people who go to ISU aren't afraid of wearing the gold and red to classes each day, but also the slogan is bringing us together at games with huge attendance and other activities on campus. I love how unified we are progressively becoming.
Iowa State University is a unique campus because of the art that is located on capus. To the monumets, landscapiong and the architecture of the builidings on campus. The respect and friendliness on campus is outstanding. You don't feel like your leaving something behind when you come here, you feel like you are continuing on to what you are destined to be. Iowa State is beautiful from the people to the art work. Everyone makes you feel like you're at home.
This school is basically based on agriculture while others just offers my major.
I'd have to say what find unique about Iowa State is the atmosphere here. When I first visited Iowa State the one thing that set it apart from other universities was how welcoming the campus was to me. A combination of friendly students and staff along with an artistic campus made me feel right at home.