The most unique feature to the Iowa State Campus compared to the other schools I considered was the small feel on a big campus. Iowa State has almost 28,000 students, but it feels a lot smaller because the relative closeness of everything on the campus. I fell in love with that feeling, and it has created a good home away from home for me.
There are so many oppertunites because it is a bigger university that you won't get when attending smaller colleges.
Its unique in the amount of clubs offered. There is a club for every interest. Whether a student enjoys juggling or want to take stand against descrimination of homosexuals. I love the amount of people that participate in them.
The campus is the most beautiful of the ones that I had visited. The overall atmosphere is very welcoming and there is lots of school spirit, especially at varsity sports events.
Its a lot bigger then other schools, and even though it seems big to people, its a very small community. Because its a big school, it also means that the classes are bigger, but there is always someone there to help you. There is also some classes that have less then twenty students which some people are surprised about.
Iowa State had the program I needed for my career choice. A Bovine Veterinarian.
One thing that is unique about Iowa State University is the ISUCF'V'MB! For those who don't know, this acronym stands for the Iowa State University Cyclone Football 'Varsity' Marching Band. The ISUCF'V'MB is nicknamed the "pride of Iowa State", "the best of the Midwest", and "the Varsity band". The marching band has many unique traditions such as marching around the stadium on game day, "cycloning" fans, and their famous high stepping! The ISUCF'V'MB is truely the "Pride of Iowa State".
Iowa State's school of design is well known for the programs they offer. In order to get into the programs, you must first complete a year of core design before applying for the programs. Iowa State is a large school with 20,000 students but still offers classes with 30 students or less. However, some of the classes are lectures which have over one hundred students in a class. Also, Iow State offers a vast amount of students organizations to join and participate in.
Iowa State University was the largest of the schools I considered and was far enough away from home for freedom, but near enough for a reasonable driving distance during holidays.
I really felt at home when I arrived at Iowa State. They put alot of effort into providing you with opportunities to make new friends.